Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Are there humans that have supernatural abilities?

Are there humans that have supernatural abilities?

Are there humans with abilities beyond the norm? The term supernatural refers to manifestations or events considered to be beyond what is natural in origin. The majority of individuals have abilities which are common, or shared by all. Some may be exercised in greater degree by one person or another, while another person may show a greater propensity for a particular ability. Yet, we all exhibit common abilities. One person may draw like Michelangelo while another’s art work may more closely resemble that of a grade schooler. I may blow a horn in a manner resembling a mountain goat, while you might be a great musician. Still, we all draw and we can all blow air into a tube. The supernatural suggests an ability beyond what is common to man in general.

In the Old Testament Moses is seen stretching out his hand over the Red Sea. As he did, the waters divided. They divided so completely that the nation of Israel was able to cross over the sea “on dry ground” (Exodus 14:14-29). When Moses next extends the rod over the sea all of Pharaoh’s army is drowned. That is a miracle. However, it is not a supernatural power.

In Exodus we are shown the plagues that came upon Egypt just before Israel was finally freed from bondage. In Exodus 7:1ff Moses goes to Pharaoh with a request for freedom. And to vindicate his authority from God he casts his rod on the ground and it becomes a serpent. However, Pharaoh’s magicians are also able to do the same thing. Moses’ serpent/rod is able to swallow theirs. Still, they did produce a miracle. However, it was not a supernatural power.

In the New Testament (Acts 3:1ff) Peter and John approach the temple. As they do, a lame man is near the entrance begging for aid having been left there by his friends. Peter and John approach declaring they are totally broke financially but, declaring they are able to give him one gift. With that, they tell him to stand up and walk. That man, lame from birth, was able to stand and walk. That is a miracle. However, it is not a supernatural power.

In Revelation chapter 13 we see a ‘beast’ mortally wounded and miraculously healed. It is a miracle. However, even this is not a supernatural power.

None of the above miracles are the result of innate powers. For Peter, John and Moses their power was derived from the God they worshipped. Likewise, in the work of Pharaoh’s magicians, as well as the beast of Revelation, the power comes from the god they worshipped. It is not a supernatural power within the individual himself.

When the Spirit of God (or Satan) indwells, or comes upon, a person that person may be granted the ability to perform a miracle. But, we have no evidence that any man has ever been born with supernatural powers; no vision rays, no invisibility, not even the ability to fly without the aid of planes, etc. Each of us can do great things in one respect or another. But, none of us has the power to perform any deed beyond “natural” human ability. But for God, the normal is super-natural.

When a person becomes saved, or born-again, the Spirit of God indwells that person and the greatest of all miracles occurs (II Cor. 5:17). God performs an out-patient heart transplant, a truly “super” natural event. Ezekiel 11:19 And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. And I will remove the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh….” God takes a person dead in sin, destined for an eternity in hell as the child of the Devil (John 8:44) and transforms him in one moment of time into an eternal being alive in Christ, a joint heir with Christ and in right standing before God (Romans 5:8-10). The work of God in saving a man is both a miracle and supernatural in its power. Even the greatest supernatural power imaginable to man would pale in comparison to the saving grace of God.

No, there are no humans with supernatural powers. But, born again believers draw upon the power of our supernatural God every day.

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