Saturday, February 2, 2019


Abortion is a term that makes people feel better about infanticide, or the killing of innocent children. During my youth it was still argued that the child in the womb was not a living being as yet. Or, that it was not yet human. All efforts to defend such nonsense have since been squelched. The child in the womb can be nothing but human and, since it is growing, it is obviously alive. And so, from whatever angle one chooses to approach abortion, it is the taking of a life. And, since the child has no say in the matter at all, it is also murder. Abortion is the murder of a defenseless baby for the convenience of the parent or parents.
One argument used to support abortion/child murder, and to garner some level of emotional support from the public, is found in cases of rape. It is argued that when a woman is raped she should not have to suffer the trauma of child birth. Admittedly, pregnancy and the resulting childbirth can be traumatic. But, is it just cause for murdering a baby? Most would agree that the rapist should be tried and sentenced in the most extreme manner available in the legal system. But the baby has done nothing wrong at all. Many people today would not even agree to the execution of the rapist. Commonly, we are even against the death penalty in the case of mass murderers.  A few states still have the death penalty on the books, though many have removed it. Yet, in the case of a child daring to come into existence without consent of the parents, society as a whole has agreed to the execution of that child. Punish the rapist? Yes. But the child. Allow the child to continue living. If the mother cannot raise that baby herself, there are homes around the world anxiously waiting for the opportunity to adopt an infant. Murder is not the answer.  
Convenience to one’s lifestyle is the most common reason for abortion. And the argument in favor is simply that it is a woman’s choice whether or not to have a baby. I agree. It is a woman’s choice. No woman should ever be forced to have children. However, that choice is made before getting into bed. The choice ended at conception. If a woman does not want to have children the answer is very simple. Don’t have a physical relationship with a man that could cause pregnancy. And if you do decide to, then understand that even with the best precautions available today pregnancy is still a possibility. You have already made your choice. Take responsibility for your choice or give the child up for adoption. Do not execute a child because you made a mistake.
Sadly, many women today are being persuaded by politically motivated individuals to have abortions. They are told everything except the truth. Babies actually do feel pain. Mothers often experience physical repercussions. And many mothers experience a lifetime of guilt, sorrow and depression when the reality of what they have done finally sets in.
Yes, I did say that much of this is politically motivated. We must stop playing party politics. Too often we are more concerned with whether or not our party wins than we are with what the party stands for. We sit on the sidelines cheering even when we know our ‘team’ is playing dirty and cheating. We are so concerned with the win, we no longer retain our morals and integrity. If you are involved in a political party that advocates the murder of innocent children it is time to get out. It is time to find a new party or to stand alone.
Millions of children have been murdered while you and I have stood idly by acting like there is nothing we can do. We can withdraw our support from the political parties which support infanticide/abortion. We can vote with knowledge of the issues. We can talk to friends about these uncomfortable issues. We can write to our so-called representatives. There a many, many things we can do. But sitting silent and believing we have no choice is not one of them.
We must stop believing it is acceptable to kill children who are not convenient to our lifestyle, no matter how it happened.

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