Tuesday, October 29, 2019

If We are Both Saved, Why the difference?

If We are Both Saved, Why the difference?
Romans 8:15-17 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. (v.16)  The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: (v.17) And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. 

Some discussions have a way of being repeated ad infinitum through the years. Topics which seems to have no real resolution. Each person in a given discussion is some how able to support his view as well as we support our view which appears to be diametrically opposed to the other. Salvation is very much like that.
Myriad times, over the decades of my life as a Christian, I have engaged fellow believers in discussions about salvation. That is very common. And I am sure most of us have done the same. The road becomes a bit rocky though when we attempt to define ‘Christian’ in any concrete manner. Do Christians lie? Do Christians steal? Are Christians ever hateful? Parameters. We all want to set parameters. Because parameters help us to make concrete statements and definitions. We can define a Christian if we can decide on each of the defining parameters that make up the perfect Christian. Sadly, there is no such thing.
In many of the discussions I have been engaged in I have found it necessary to destroy parameters. The Law was a mega parameter. It was never intended to be one but religious society grabbed onto it almost as soon as it came down from the mountain with Moses. We want concrete barriers, laws, dictates that work like street signs for us, a list of all the daily mandates so that we can know, at the close of our day, we measured up.
Read the passage above again.  We have not received that old spirit which bound us by laws. When we got saved, when we realized our need of salvation and our utter incapability of acquiring salvation without Christ, he saved us by grace. He did not hand us a new law, no list of requirements to meet before salvation could be earned. Instead (v.15) we were given the Holy Spirit which placed us in the family of God by adoption. Did you ever see a baby earn adoption? Have you ever known a baby (properly adopted) who was given a list of things he must do in order to earn a true place in the family?
Our adoption goes one step further. Our Heavenly Father, by His Holy Spirit actually indwells us, He lives in us. We are His immediately and eternally. The Holy Spirit is our very proof of salvation (v.16) if we ever do doubt. This is what defines the Christian in that “concrete manner” we so often need. When doubt arises, we do not count our ‘good deeds’ and hope they are enough. We have the Holy Spirit of God within us reminding us that we are God’s family.
I believe this is what Paul had in mind when he said in 2Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” Examine yourselves to see if “Christ is in you.” In our passage above (v.16) the Spirit of God reassures the believer he is God’s child. God did not leave it up to a list of our good deeds. He placed His Spirit within us to give us daily assurance in a fallen world.
But look how far that assurance goes. Not only does He remind us of our status as children of God, but (v.17) we are assured that we are joint heirs with Christ as well. When Christ is glorified, we will be glorified with him. This is what stops us from sinning. This is our parameter. This is our concrete barrier against sin. When a true child of God sins (and we all do) we are brought back by the Holy Spirit’s reminder of whose we are. He reminds us who our father is. He makes real to us the offence our sin is to our Holy Father, the shame it brings to Him and the violence it does to our witness in this fallen world. We do not keep a new law of do’s and don’ts. We live in a new relationship with God where our behavior affects our relationship with God. We are His children (Hebrew 12:5-12). When children sin they still belong to their parents, but the relationship is strained and often the parent must punish the child. But they always remain family.
This is what I believe to be the difference discussed in our opening paragraphs; those times when I have engaged fellow believers in discussions about salvation and how one person could sin so much easier than another. And how we just could not agree on why so many professing believers could seem to live in sin and others, though they did sin, abhorred it and repented more quickly. I think the difference was this. In a false profession the Holy Spirit of God never indwells the unrepented heart. That individual is left to follow the law and live in bondage (v.15) and fear and never truly become a child of God. They are religious but lost.
God truly wants to bring us into His family, to make us His children and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. And when we truly do become His children His Holy Spirit is an ever-present reality in our daily lives. It is no longer a matter of keeping stringent rules and laws. We are brought into a loving family. It is our daily existence. It is our new life. Why do I serve God? Because serving God is the natural course of my new life.

Does your life belong to God?

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How can we ever expect God to answer prayer?

How can we ever expect God to answer prayer?
Is God hearing your prayers? You say you are a believer, that you have been saved and born again. Still, your prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling and return like echoes from a cave. The Psalmist said if we allow sin to continue in our heart without repenting, or turning away from it, we will not be heard, Psalm 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me….” On the other hand, he also assures us that when we turn away from sin God comes near and listens once again, (v.19) but verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer. If God has made no change in us, if we have not repented of sin, then how can we ever expect God to answer prayer?
I am often mystified by who would dare calls themselves Christian. Christian means Christ like. In 2Corinthians 5:17 the Apostle Paul wrote, Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And then in 2Corinthians 13:5 he recommends a serious self-examine, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” Where is the change, the repentance, the turning away from sin? Look into your own heart, “examine yourselves” by a comparison with Biblical teaching. Are you attending church? Are you studying the Word? Are you living as an example to the lost?  That last one especially, “living as an example.” This includes the person you live with now; wife, husband, roommate or adulterous companion. Would that person continue living with you if you tried to win them to Christ? Or, are you silent in order to keep peace and not lose that relationship? Are you content to let that person spend eternity in hell so that you can continue to live peacefully? In every area of life, we are to be an example of the believer, never surrendering godliness for the sake of harmony. Without living a godly testimony, how can we ever expect God to answer prayer?
How is it that those calling themselves Christian continue to live in open opposition to the God of this universe with no fear of God? Is it some sort of dare? Is there a mental image of them shaking a fist in the face of God declaring He cannot judge them, because 30 years ago they recited some sort of prayer? II Corinthians 6:14-18 lays out a very clear mandate to remain separate from those who are not saved. We cannot work side by side with the lost in this life. We are not headed the same direction. “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? (v.15) and what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? (v.16) And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. (v.17) Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, (v.18) and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” For many today, our best friends, those we spend our quality time with, our “love interest” (a term used lightly here) or even the person we are shacking-up with, are all lost. They are destined for an eternity in hell and we say nothing. We are afraid of destroying these relationships. Yet, these people would leave us today if we truly began to live for Christ. They only stay because we compromise. They are not willing to serve two masters either. They will not serve Satan and Jesus, Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Yes, I said they serve Satan. Jesus said to religious Jewish rulers of his day, John 8:43-44 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. (v.44) Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. Is it any wonder God’s ear is turned away from our prayer? We pretend to be Christian while serving Satan with our silence against, and compliance with, the sin of this world. We live every day knowingly sinning against God. We do not separate from sin as commanded by God’s Word. We choose to disobey. Then, we dare to bow at His Throne with our requests. How can we ever expect God to answer prayer?
Imagine standing at the Great White Throne Judgment seeing that special person you claim to care so much about. As that person approaches (assuming you are saved) will he cry out in horror, his eyes fixed squarely upon yours, “WHY DIDN’T YOU WARN ME? You said you loved me. You didn’t warn me! Instead, you lived just like I did, in the same sin.” Will your response be, “I didn’t want to cause anyone any discomfort? I didn’t want to rock-the-boat.” If we allow those we “love” to face the terrors of an eternal hell, how can we ever expect God to answer our prayers?
Is the problem one of being so backslidden we don’t witness or live godly lives because we have lost our zeal? Or, is it that we have lived a lie? You said a prayer many years ago but your heart was never changed, you never actually repented and turned away from sin because you never saw sin the way God does. You never saw sin through divine eyes. You never understood that God MUST judge sin, even in you. With so many false professions of faith, how can we ever expect God to answer prayer?
God does not take sin as lightly as so many of us do. He will judge sin in us with eternal damnation. Or, if we receive Christ as Savior, God will judge our sin in His own Son (1Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed). But, when we ask him to bare our sin for us, there should be evidence in our lives of that salvation. As in I Peter 2:24 above, we are expected to “live unto righteousness.”  We must stop living in sin. And start living for Christ. Then, we can humbly expect God to answer our prayers.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

God is Good all the Time

God is Good all the Time
Psalm 73:1, 22-28 

Psalm 73:1 “A Psalm of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.”

What a wonderful start to a Psalm, right? He says, God is good to Israel and, in fact, He is good to all the righteous. One can almost believe the author is about to ask the reader for a response. Today there is a phrase that elicits this type of responsive participation. It begins with one person saying, “God is good” and those hearing this universal truth respond with, “All the time.” And it’s commonly repeated at least one more time. Unfortunately, our author was not in quite so happy a mood. If you take the time to read verses 2-21 it becomes clear that he was ranting against the wicked and especially the wealthy wicked. He was frustrated that it seemed as though they had it made in this world. They seemed to get away with all forms of ungodliness and then were also able to live in the lap of luxury without a care in this world.

Today, we say God is good. But do we really believe it? Or, are we in lockstep with the Psalmist allowing doubts to arise in our hearts? Wickedness prevails in this world today. It seems to be worse today than it has ever been in any other time in history. Do you ever find yourself asking, “Where is God?” Or even thinking about the ungodly wealthy as the psalmist did, “They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.” That seems to be precisely what Asaph, the author of this psalm, has done.

At some point his heart catches up with his intellect. It is then that this passage takes a very radical turn. I am wondering how many of us need to have one more look around. How many need to re-evaluate what they believe they are seeing? Listen now as the Psalmist reconsiders his own statements.

Psa 73:22 “So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. (v.23) Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand. (v.24) Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. (v.25) Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. (v.26) My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. (v.27) For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee. (v.28) But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.”

Now he truly hears his own complaints and in verse 22 is honestly remorseful, (I paraphrase) “How could I have been so foolish and ignorant: I was acting no wiser than a common animal.” It is with this very revelation of his own foolishness that he unfolds before us some precious truths. In verse 23, he says that we are always with God. We have never been without the presence of God. We do not know the awfulness of His absence. And He is holding us in His kind and loving right hand. He guides us (v.24) with His holy and righteous counsel and when all else fails and this life finally ends, our end will be with God in His eternal glory. Verse 25 declares the all sufficiency of His Divine nature. Of all who are in Heaven now there is only one who will have the attention of this Psalmist. And on earth there is only one who now commands his undivided attention. In heaven or in earth the presence of God is his reality. In verse 26 his focus shifts to the temporal nature of these bodies. He is fully aware that this flesh is going to decay. But now, in God he recognizes that everything he is, and all he will ever need, is His Heavenly Father. And in verse 27 he briefly reflects again on the wealthy wicked. But this time reality permeates his thoughts. The truth of their condition is unsettling, the wicked will perish but it is even worse than that. All of those who were unsaved and putting others or other things in the place of God in their lives will be destroyed. They will face the final Judgment of a Holy and righteous God.

In our final verse, verse 28, he makes a marvelous discovery; he is divinely illuminated. After such a tirade against the ungodly of this world, and after considering God’s hand in his own life Asaph has a personal revelation. He finally understands that his focus should not have been on the evil of this world. Instead, he needed to stop and look at everything God has already done for him, and to begin seeing what God does for us every day that we are alive.

Once he was able to shift his view from the ‘successful sinners’ of this world and refocus on the daily goodness of God in our lives his entire outlook changed. And with this new outlook he was able to give to each of us this single rule for life: “But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.”

Draw near to God, trust Him and share Him with others. God is good…all the time.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

And Me Without a Plan

And Me Without a Plan
A true story, no kidding.

I remember in my younger days (don’t we all) thinking about how in the world I would ever be able to live on my own. How would I ever be able to get a job sufficient to pay bills, and for a whole life time? Of course to a young man thoughts of that nature disappear about as quickly as they occur. The future never seems so close. 

More important were the thoughts that would come throughout life. Thoughts very much like those, but centered more on my responsibility, would come time and again. When Jane and I were getting married I can remember thinking that I had no earthly idea how I would ever be able to be an effective husband. How could I build a home, be a leader, provide for the welfare of my wife and meet the daily responsibilities of a young married couple? I was frequently overwhelmed just thinking how very out of place, and ill equipped, I knew myself to be. And yet, here I was, just me without a plan. 

Feelings like that do not go away very easily…because God sends children. Now if you want to talk about being overwhelmed just pack a couple of children into the mix. Naturally, I put on a good game-face when Michael was on the way. It really was exciting knowing that in just a few months we would have our very first child. But I really could not completely eradicate the fears and concerns that were now mounting. How could I (I know it is ‘we’ but it was my deficiencies I worried about not Jane’s) take this young life we were bringing into the world and teach him to be a better person than I had been? Is that the epitome of “do as I say and not as I do?” And having failed so miserably (in my mind) with my own life what could I possibly teach him? How would we provide for his physical needs, his medical, educational and yes his spiritual needs? Was I capable? I had no training at all in being a dad and yet, here I was and here he came…and me without a plan.

Well, talk about compounding problems and worries just about the time Michael was showing a little bit of promise Melanie decided it was time to make her grand appearance in our lives. Of course, I knew Jane would handle the female issues of life but I would still face everything I did with Michael but now with a little different edge. She was our little girl and that just adds a perspective that isn’t easily explained unless you have a little girl. There just seems to be a bit more earnestness to protecting and shielding her from all the harm this world would throw her way. But again, I had no training, no child rearing classes, and no special powers inherent in my nature that would ever equip me to raise a daughter successfully. I had no plan at all and yet, here I was and here they were.

Thoughts like this pervaded my heart and mind over the years with every new phase of our children’s lives. How could I be an effective husband? How could I be a father our children could respect? How could I possibly teach them how to live their lives when I had made such a wreck of my own? How could I teach them what I really believed they needed…without a plan?

I prayed. I sought a closer walk with God daily for myself. I learned to enjoy every moment that God allowed Jane and I to have with our children. And they turned out to be so different from each other that one might wonder if they had the same parents. But that’s good. They both grew to love God. They found wonderful spouses who also love the Lord. And although one is more scholastic and the other is more ‘hippified’ they are both wonderful loving young people who care deeply for those they meet.

Well, what do you know? Here we are at the end of that journey and it was wonderful. The only real plan I had seems to have worked out quite well, marry a godly spouse, pray daily for your family and draw closer to God personally every day and things will work out just fine.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (v.6) In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”  

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Are there humans that have supernatural abilities?

Are there humans that have supernatural abilities?

Are there humans with abilities beyond the norm? The term supernatural refers to manifestations or events considered to be beyond what is natural in origin. The majority of individuals have abilities which are common, or shared by all. Some may be exercised in greater degree by one person or another, while another person may show a greater propensity for a particular ability. Yet, we all exhibit common abilities. One person may draw like Michelangelo while another’s art work may more closely resemble that of a grade schooler. I may blow a horn in a manner resembling a mountain goat, while you might be a great musician. Still, we all draw and we can all blow air into a tube. The supernatural suggests an ability beyond what is common to man in general.

In the Old Testament Moses is seen stretching out his hand over the Red Sea. As he did, the waters divided. They divided so completely that the nation of Israel was able to cross over the sea “on dry ground” (Exodus 14:14-29). When Moses next extends the rod over the sea all of Pharaoh’s army is drowned. That is a miracle. However, it is not a supernatural power.

In Exodus we are shown the plagues that came upon Egypt just before Israel was finally freed from bondage. In Exodus 7:1ff Moses goes to Pharaoh with a request for freedom. And to vindicate his authority from God he casts his rod on the ground and it becomes a serpent. However, Pharaoh’s magicians are also able to do the same thing. Moses’ serpent/rod is able to swallow theirs. Still, they did produce a miracle. However, it was not a supernatural power.

In the New Testament (Acts 3:1ff) Peter and John approach the temple. As they do, a lame man is near the entrance begging for aid having been left there by his friends. Peter and John approach declaring they are totally broke financially but, declaring they are able to give him one gift. With that, they tell him to stand up and walk. That man, lame from birth, was able to stand and walk. That is a miracle. However, it is not a supernatural power.

In Revelation chapter 13 we see a ‘beast’ mortally wounded and miraculously healed. It is a miracle. However, even this is not a supernatural power.

None of the above miracles are the result of innate powers. For Peter, John and Moses their power was derived from the God they worshipped. Likewise, in the work of Pharaoh’s magicians, as well as the beast of Revelation, the power comes from the god they worshipped. It is not a supernatural power within the individual himself.

When the Spirit of God (or Satan) indwells, or comes upon, a person that person may be granted the ability to perform a miracle. But, we have no evidence that any man has ever been born with supernatural powers; no vision rays, no invisibility, not even the ability to fly without the aid of planes, etc. Each of us can do great things in one respect or another. But, none of us has the power to perform any deed beyond “natural” human ability. But for God, the normal is super-natural.

When a person becomes saved, or born-again, the Spirit of God indwells that person and the greatest of all miracles occurs (II Cor. 5:17). God performs an out-patient heart transplant, a truly “super” natural event. Ezekiel 11:19 And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. And I will remove the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh….” God takes a person dead in sin, destined for an eternity in hell as the child of the Devil (John 8:44) and transforms him in one moment of time into an eternal being alive in Christ, a joint heir with Christ and in right standing before God (Romans 5:8-10). The work of God in saving a man is both a miracle and supernatural in its power. Even the greatest supernatural power imaginable to man would pale in comparison to the saving grace of God.

No, there are no humans with supernatural powers. But, born again believers draw upon the power of our supernatural God every day.

Saturday, February 2, 2019


Abortion is a term that makes people feel better about infanticide, or the killing of innocent children. During my youth it was still argued that the child in the womb was not a living being as yet. Or, that it was not yet human. All efforts to defend such nonsense have since been squelched. The child in the womb can be nothing but human and, since it is growing, it is obviously alive. And so, from whatever angle one chooses to approach abortion, it is the taking of a life. And, since the child has no say in the matter at all, it is also murder. Abortion is the murder of a defenseless baby for the convenience of the parent or parents.
One argument used to support abortion/child murder, and to garner some level of emotional support from the public, is found in cases of rape. It is argued that when a woman is raped she should not have to suffer the trauma of child birth. Admittedly, pregnancy and the resulting childbirth can be traumatic. But, is it just cause for murdering a baby? Most would agree that the rapist should be tried and sentenced in the most extreme manner available in the legal system. But the baby has done nothing wrong at all. Many people today would not even agree to the execution of the rapist. Commonly, we are even against the death penalty in the case of mass murderers.  A few states still have the death penalty on the books, though many have removed it. Yet, in the case of a child daring to come into existence without consent of the parents, society as a whole has agreed to the execution of that child. Punish the rapist? Yes. But the child. Allow the child to continue living. If the mother cannot raise that baby herself, there are homes around the world anxiously waiting for the opportunity to adopt an infant. Murder is not the answer.  
Convenience to one’s lifestyle is the most common reason for abortion. And the argument in favor is simply that it is a woman’s choice whether or not to have a baby. I agree. It is a woman’s choice. No woman should ever be forced to have children. However, that choice is made before getting into bed. The choice ended at conception. If a woman does not want to have children the answer is very simple. Don’t have a physical relationship with a man that could cause pregnancy. And if you do decide to, then understand that even with the best precautions available today pregnancy is still a possibility. You have already made your choice. Take responsibility for your choice or give the child up for adoption. Do not execute a child because you made a mistake.
Sadly, many women today are being persuaded by politically motivated individuals to have abortions. They are told everything except the truth. Babies actually do feel pain. Mothers often experience physical repercussions. And many mothers experience a lifetime of guilt, sorrow and depression when the reality of what they have done finally sets in.
Yes, I did say that much of this is politically motivated. We must stop playing party politics. Too often we are more concerned with whether or not our party wins than we are with what the party stands for. We sit on the sidelines cheering even when we know our ‘team’ is playing dirty and cheating. We are so concerned with the win, we no longer retain our morals and integrity. If you are involved in a political party that advocates the murder of innocent children it is time to get out. It is time to find a new party or to stand alone.
Millions of children have been murdered while you and I have stood idly by acting like there is nothing we can do. We can withdraw our support from the political parties which support infanticide/abortion. We can vote with knowledge of the issues. We can talk to friends about these uncomfortable issues. We can write to our so-called representatives. There a many, many things we can do. But sitting silent and believing we have no choice is not one of them.
We must stop believing it is acceptable to kill children who are not convenient to our lifestyle, no matter how it happened.

Monday, January 7, 2019



So many people say, “When I stand before God I am going to tell him…..” Or, “When I stand before God I will just take whatever comes.” And for others the reaction is more like, “I know I need to do something, but not right now.”

Please, look closely at this verse, “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works” (Rev 20:12). 

Notice very carefully that those who come into the presence of God on the Day of Judgment…are silent. Nobody is asked to defend their position, or to explain their situation or, and more importantly, nobody on that day is offered a second chance. The only thing that happens on that day, before God passes judgment, is “the books were (or will be) opened.” And if you read that verse one more time you will also notice that “another book was opened” also. Why two sets of books?

Today, as you read this, your name is in a book in heaven. And today, while you are still here on this earth and alive, you can decide which book your name is in. If we could go up into heaven right now, if we could enter God’s judgment hall today and open the books of heaven, your name would be in one of those books.

Far too often people get the idea that somehow if they can just do a few really good things God would let them into heaven. Which good things would that be? How many of those good things would it take? How would you know when you have completed just enough of those good things? And what if you died just before you finished that last really good thing? But, it just isn’t true. That is not the way God designed it. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”  Jesus died as our sacrifice for sin so that our names might be written in the Book of Life. Jesus paid the debt for our sin. Our work, or our effort in any form, cannot ever pay for our sin. God will only accept the sinless blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf:

Romans_3:25  Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God….

Hebrews_9:22b  …and without shedding of blood is no remission.

Hebrews_10:18  Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering (needed) for sin.

Looking at these passages, our names are already in His books if our sins have been removed by the sacrifice of Christ. Your name is either in the “books” or your name is in the “book” as we arrive at the judgment seat. The distinction between the “books” and the “book” is given in verse 15, And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” The dead, those who are not saved, are judged out of the things written in the books (v.12-13). The final judgment is eternal and that judgment will be horrible if your name is in the books. It may be worse for one than for another but, eternity in hell is horrifying no matter how you may view it.

I have heard so many make jokes about it. I have heard people say, “Well, at least I will be with my friends and we will party when we get there.” In reality, it is more likely that we will blame one another for being there. And we will undoubtedly be praying that none of our family members ever have to join us there.

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus shares the only instance we have of a real life record of a man going to hell. His response is not what so many joke about today. Instead, the man in hell (Luke 16) is in torment and begs for even a drop of water to cool his thirst. And his final thoughts are on his family. He pleads with Abraham to send someone to his five brothers who are still alive on earth to warn them about this horrible place. Abraham’s response is unbelievable, but so true, especially when we understand how evil the human heart can be. He said that if they will not listen to the Word of God being preached here, while they are alive, they would not listen even if a ghost from hell appeared before them as a testimony.

How many times have you heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached? Every time you heard it you were given an opportunity to move your name from the books of judgment to the Book of Life. As you read this today you are being given one more chance. It could in fact be, your last chance. God does not owe us even one chance to be saved. If you have ever heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and been given one opportunity to be saved and have your name placed in the Book of Life, that was one more chance than God owes any of us. Did you receive Christ at that time? Did you get saved that day and have your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Or, did you say, “Not now.” Will you wake up tomorrow morning and have one more chance? Or, will you discover your name was written in the books of judgment as God reads from their pages and proclaims, “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41)?

If not now, then when? Normally, none of us plan to die. Most of us go to bed in the evening fully expecting to wake up here, on earth, in the morning. But, will we?

If you died today are you sure heaven will be your home for eternity? To find out how you can have your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life go to: http://christxalted.blogspot.com/2016/01/how-to-be-born-again.html

Wednesday, January 2, 2019



I studied very hard and I graduated 3rd in my class of 47. I walked across the platform and the administrator of the university handed me a diploma, the token of my achievements. I filed the proper papers with the state and completed all requirements of my local area and was granted a license to do business as an electrician. So, today I opened a pastry shop. Am I an electrician? Yes. I am an electrician who makes awesome doughnuts. Educated in the finest university and licensed by the state to work as an electrician but making cakes and pies. A person may be one thing while living as another.

I am frequently asked about my position on lordship salvation because of my rants. I believe the Church is lukewarm at best. There are so many today claiming to be saved but living like the rest of the world. They claim to be one thing while living as another. Are they saved?

Can you see my dilemma? Many said a prayer for salvation. Did they get saved? If you tell me you are an electrician but you own a bakery. Are you an electrician? How can “I” know? Where is the evidence? The electrician I described above could only show you the paperwork because his daily life is the life of a baker. Where is the evidence that he is an electrician?

We are saved by faith through God’s grace. We do not make Jesus the Lord of our life in order to become saved or as a part of the salvation package. That is lordship salvation and I do not believe it is the gospel preached by Christ or his Apostles. However, any child who is born will show evidence of having been born unless he is still-born (II Corinthians 5:17). If we truly have been born into God’s family,  and His Holy Spirit lives within us, our lives ought to show some kind of evidence; giving us the assurance of that salvation, II Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be (unless you are) reprobates? John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. James 4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God (John 15:7-10; Colossians 2:6; I Corinthians 3:16 and many others).

Can we be saved without being super saints? Yes. But when we get saved there should be evidence of it in our daily lives. Our love of sin should change into hatred. Sin should become repugnant to us. Sin put Jesus on the cross, it caused Him to have to suffer and die in our place. We may fall into sin but we should not be comfortable there. Our attitude should be one of repentance; having a desire to turn away from sin. We were the enemy of God and now we are His children. Our attitude should be one of service to God. We should be looking for ways to worship Him, to praise Him and to reach others for Him. Is that Lordship? Or is it gratitude for what He has already done in our lives?

Making Christ the Lord of our lives does not save us and is not a “requirement” of God’s simple plan of salvation. However, does it not simply follow that if we truly are saved, He will be our Lord? And so, I say with the Apostle Paul, “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith….”