From the Kinder Side
Christians do not hate homosexuals or anyone practicing any other lifestyle variant from the Biblical heterosexual standard. All forms of sin are simply, sin. One is not necessarily worse than another before God. Although, for humanity, certain types of sin can be far more damaging to society than others. And so, there may be louder outcries against child pornography, homosexuality, and murder than one may see against lying, cheating or stealing.
True Christians love all people regardless of the sin they are currently controlled by. But that does not mean we condone their sin or accept it in society as normal. God does not hate any of us. However, His requirement for all of us, Jeffrey Dahmer, Adolph Hitler and your next-door neighbor is the same; repent. Jesus’ plea goes out equally to all (Luke 13:3), “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. ” Notice he does not say join hands and love each other regardless of sin. Instead, Jesus says to repent.
Repentance is the sticking point for all who are living in sin today regardless of which sin it is. We do not want to be told we are living wrong. We hate the idea of having to change something which, at the moment, we think we are enjoying. We all want heaven, but most are not willing to give up their particular sin. However, that is what Jesus said we must do. Repent means to turn away from one thing or direction and go the other way. Admit the one is wrong and choose that which is right.
A Biblically sound Christian will not hate, even what most of society would call, the vilest person. We will hate the sin they are engaged in and will do all we can to encourage change. However, while hating their sin, we will love them as Christ loves them. Christians understand their plight because we are all sinners as well. God has forgiven our sin and has given us to ability to be freed from the control of sin. Sin is no longer a welcome companion in our lives, and we still fight against it (Romans 7:7-25) every day. We have chosen to fight against sin rather than embracing it (repentance).
Jesus’ also stated in Mark 1:15 not only to repent, which is turning from one thing, but here he includes “believe the gospel” which is turning to another. Repent of sin and believe the gospel. That seems so very simple. But the gospel is contrary to basic human nature. In our nature there is a fundamental understanding that if we attain something it is because we have earned it by one means or another. In other words, nothing is free. Homosexuals, murderers, drunkards, abortionists and liars can be brought into God’s family and granted eternity in heaven….free. It is not a lifelong effort of achievements on our part, it is repentance and belief, turning from one to the other. God loves you and wants to save you.
Would like to be saved today? You can be. For more information please read: How to be born again:
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