Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards

What in the world are people celebrating? I am amazed that some of the Christmas cards on the market today even get consideration. Two of the more popular varieties say, “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greetings” with nothing inside beyond a description of the weather.

What are you celebrating when all you can say is happy holidays and send a greeting wishing the recipient the enjoyment of a wintry morning snow?  Why do so many now wish us season’s greetings? What kind of greeting does one send in a ‘season’?  When one sends a card with the phrase ‘season’s greetings’ it offers no hope, it speaks of no great victory in which we share. And it can offer no real joy since nothing is being celebrated beyond the winter of one more season.

When I see this type of card it actually saddens me. I can almost see my friend or relative addressing each card carefully. In my imagination, as I watch them, I think I see a twinge of sadness on their face. For, with each stroke of the pen, I can see them struggle for words. Surely it must be a great effort to long for the opportunity to send greetings of the merriest kind when all you can find around you is the “hope” for peace in a world where peace will never be found. It is simply a charade. A seasonal activity practiced for the sake of creating the illusion of happiness, if just for that one day.

The only card we would ever send will always include the name of Jesus, the Christ and the Messiah of Israel. Our card will always reference the joy of his miraculous birth in Bethlehem and other recorded events in the life of Christ. Why? Because Christmas is not about snow. Remembering that first Christmas day brings back to the hearts of those who have been born again the greatest love man will ever know. The memory of God leaving His throne in heaven so that he could come here and take on a body of flesh in order to become our very sacrifice for sin is overwhelming. It is a thought worthy of deepest meditation and infinite gratitude. When believers consider the love of God expressed through the coming of Jesus the Messiah in the manger of Bethlehem it is with immeasurable thankfulness.

Those who have received God’s gift of love could never replace that memory with Santa or a fat snowman and warmest wishes for a happy season. Real joy cannot come from imagined events. The joy we share at Christmas comes from remembering that God really did send His very own son to redeem us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13). The peace that we experience every day and that we especially rejoice in at Christmas is a gift from God received on the day we were saved from sin, and one we can carry with us throughout life (Romans 5:1). The worship and adoration we offer to God daily is multiplied many times over on Christmas because we have chosen to set one day aside and jointly, as one unified Church, lift our hearts to God for his great love in saving us, in redeeming us from the penalty of sin (Romans 3:23; 6:23) at absolutely no cost to us since our efforts would be in vain (Isaiah 64:6).
And so, remembering God’s greatest gift to man, may I wish each of you a very merry Christmas.

When the Christmas cards start flooding your mail box (or email) this year look at them carefully. Do they reflect your heart? More importantly, do the cards you mail out reflect the work of God in your life? It is difficult to celebrate what we have not personally experienced.  

Have you been born again? You can be saved today, right now. Look again at the events we celebrate at Christmas. Do you understand that even you are a sinner (Rom. 3:23; 6:23)? Do you believe Jesus Christ died in your place to pay for your sin (Rom. 5:8)? Are you willing to ask Him to come into your heart to save you and be your Lord (Rom. 10:9-13) believing that God accepted his payment on your behalf?

­­­­Right now from your heart pray this prayer or at least something like this: 
God I know I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sin. And, right now, I ask Jesus to come into my heart to forgive me of my sin and to begin living through me.  I believe Jesus’ sacrifice was enough and that God accepted it and raised Jesus from the dead as proof that my sin is forgiven.  Thank you for saving my soul, amen.

If you prayed this prayer please message me so I can offer you my prayers and support as you grow in faith.

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