Saturday, December 28, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Before the snow falls
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Psalm 150 says, “Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. Praise him with the timbral and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.”
If I am alive and still breathing I can praise Him in song and testimony everywhere I go and in every conversation I have. Is that a “small” thing? The final Psalm was dedicated to this one thought, that we praise God. I can't believe it is only a “small” thing. When God gives this much time to conveying one thought it must be a very great thing. I still have breath. With all of my tomorrows I will do this one great thing, I will praise the Lord and I will not allow yesterday to steal even one more of my tomorrows.
Friday, July 12, 2024
If not now, when
So many people say, “When I stand before God I am going to tell him…..” Or, “When I stand before God I will just take whatever comes.” And for others the reaction is more like, “I know I need to do something, but not right now.”
Please, look closely at this verse, “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works” (Rev 20:12).
Notice very carefully that those who come into the presence of God on the Day of Judgment…are silent. Nobody is asked to defend their position, or to explain their situation or, and more importantly, nobody on that day is offered a second chance. The only thing that happens on that day, before God passes judgment, is “the books were (or will be) opened.” And if you read that verse one more time you will also notice that “another book was opened” also. Why two sets of books?
Today, as you read this, your name is in a book in heaven. And today, while you are still here on this earth and alive, you can decide which book your name is in. If we could go up into heaven right now, if we could enter God’s judgment hall today and open the books of heaven, your name would be in one of those books.
Far too often people get the idea that somehow if they can just do a few really good things God would let them into heaven. Which good things would that be? How many of those good things would it take? How would you know when you have completed just enough of those good things? And what if you died just before you finished that last really good thing? But, it just isn’t true. That is not the way God designed it. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Jesus died as our sacrifice for sin so that our names might be written in the Book of Life. Jesus paid the debt for our sin. Our work, or our effort in any form, cannot ever pay for any sin. God will only accept the sinless blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf:
Romans 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God….
Hebrews_9:22b …and without shedding of blood is no remission.
Hebrews_10:18 Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering (needed) for sin.
Looking at these passages, our names are already in His books if our sins have been removed by the sacrifice of Christ. Your name is either in the “books” or your name is in the “book” as we arrive at the judgment seat. The distinction between the “books” and the “book” is given in verse 15, “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” The dead, those who are not saved, are judged out of the things written in the books (v.12-13). The final judgment is eternal and that judgment will be horrible if your name is in the books. It may be worse for one than for another but, eternity in hell is horrifying no matter how you may view it.
I have heard so many make jokes about it. I have heard people say, “Well, at least I will be with my friends and we will party when we get there.” In reality, it is more likely that we will blame one another for being there. And we will undoubtedly be praying that none of our family members ever have to join us there.
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus shares the only instance we have of a real life record of a man going to hell. His response is not what so many joke about today. Instead, the man in hell (Luke 16) is in torment and begs for even a drop of water to cool his thirst. And his final thoughts are on his family. He pleads with Abraham to send Lazarus to his five brothers who are still alive on earth to warn them about this horrible place. Abraham’s response is unbelievable, but so true, especially when we understand how evil the human heart can be. He said that if they will not listen to the Word of God being preached here, while they are alive, they would not listen even if a ghost from hell (like Lazarus) appeared before them as a testimony.
How many times have you heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached? Every time you heard it you were given an opportunity to move your name from the books of judgment to the Book of Life. As you read this today you are being given one more chance. It could in fact be, your last chance. God does not owe us even one chance to be saved. If you have ever heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and been given one opportunity to be saved and have your name placed in the Book of Life, that was one more chance than God owes any of us. Did you receive Christ at that time? Did you get saved that day and have your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Or, did you say, “Not now.” Will you wake up tomorrow morning and have one more chance? Or, will you discover your name was written in the books of judgment as God reads from their pages and proclaims, “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41)?
If not now, then when? Normally, none of us plan to die. Most of us go to bed in the evening fully expecting to wake up here, on earth, in the morning. But, will we? A few months ago, a friend of mine was returning home from a doctor’s visit. He pulled his car to the side of the road, and died. Two months ago, another friend, riding his 4-wheeler on his farm, wrecked and died. January 16, 2023, I stopped my Versa at a 4 way stop sign. As I pulled through, I was broadsided by a Chevy Tahoe who never even slowed for the stop sign. Obviously, I did not die. But for a brief moment I believed I had. For me, it would have meant the glory of God and eternal joy.
If you died today, are you sure heaven will be your home for
eternity? To find out how you can have your name written in the Lamb’s Book of
Life go to: http://christxalted.blogspot.com/2016/01/how-to-be-born-again.html (Or, click on "How to be Born Again" in the top left corner of this page.)
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Why am I Here
Why here? Why this job? Because, somebody very near to you right now, is there because God wants you to meet.
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Homosexuality in the New Testament
Does the New Testament address Homosexuality?
In the Old Testament Israel was seen as God’s wife. In the New Testament the Church is seen as the Bride of Christ. But notice the marriage union is used to exemplify the union of God with His people in both cases. It is not found anywhere in scripture that God ever used a same sex image to reflect his relationship with us. Homosexuality is a vulgar and crude corruption of a beautiful image that God gave us to represent His relationship to His people, an image that was intended to help us understand our relationship to God.
Homosexuality in the Old Testament
Sunday, May 12, 2024
I really don’t remember when, since I was born in 1954, but sometime in the early ‘60s our family got a brand new 13 inch black and white television. It was simply awesome. I am not so sure that our Father was equally excited since he was solely in charge of climbing onto the roof to install the massive antenna. Not only did he have to install it but he also had to adjust it. You see, it had to be turned a particle way so that we could receive all three channels. One channel was really pretty clear. The other two were “snowy,” one more than the other. But it was truly an exciting day. Well, for us it was. But our grandmother would visit and later, would live with us briefly. And her most memorable phrase was, “Would you turn off that boob-tube” or something very similar to that. Her perception was truly prophetic.
My wife and I were married only about 9-10 years when I had an epiphany. By this time we had two very young children and we were still living in Smithburg, WV. I was coming home from work daily, having dinner and then just sitting down to watch one or two shows before bed. I had perceived that something was beginning to irritate my wife but did not really pick up the hint. Although, all on my own, I did notice I had no time to spend with my wife and children. Where had my time gone? Well, my epiphany was simple. Like a flash the accumulated time hit me. One show is often 90-120 minutes and added to the second show…well. You see, if I get home and have dinner it is 6:00 - 6:30 before I am done. Then add 3 hours of television and it is 9:30. The children are in bed and so is my wife. We had basic cable and because of a fluke we never had to pay for it. So, I saw no reason to get rid of it, until that moment. The cost was not monetary. The cost was my family. Later, in our new home, and to this very day, we never connected cable, satellite or even an exterior antenna.
The choice to never connect a signal to our home was made because of my addiction to television. But the true value was quickly seen in our family. After disconnecting the signal our children would spend most of the daylight hours outside or in other creative pursuits. As the sun would set, they would come inside and we would spend much of our time in family-oriented activities or in hobbies and reading. My mind simply reels when I hear companies offer up to 189 channels on average. Why? We received 3 and even then, my grandmother could see the problem. When I finally saw what it was doing to my family, my wife and I agreed it had to go.
Please do not even try to say it does not affect your family. Spouses are separated from each other not only by employment but by home entertainment. Today, we each have a favorite show or sports program we simply must watch, or game we must play. Some couples go so far as to watch their own program in separate rooms. And when a parent spends a few minutes with a child but 2-3 hours with a television the child understands completely which is most important. And in most families today it works both ways. The children grow up sitting in front of the television ignoring parents for hours on end. And combine that with computer and cell phone time and it leaves no time at all. There is no time left for interpersonal relationships or educational endeavors in most of our homes today.
Of equal concern is the educational deprivation. I was speaking with a friend the other day about his reaction to re-reading The Federalist Papers. What struck him during this second reading was the astounding level of education of the writers. Our founding fathers were amazingly intellectual. At the time this country was founded much of the education was done in home and often through personal pursuit. They wanted to learn and they took the time to read. Unfortunately, today the television and the computer are restricting education even though they could provide a wealth of educational opportunities. But they simply do not do so because gaming and social media dominate in most homes. Adults will use game systems at home for hours.
We become very proud of the number of channels we receive. What about the number of books we have read? What about the skills we have learned or the outreaches we are involved in? Or, the quality of individual our children are becoming? We don’t have time for any of those because we have 150 more channels to watch.
And as a Christian, is this a wise use of the time God has given to each of us? We don’t have time for personal reading of the Bible or any other godly literature. We don’t have time to pray. And we don’t have time to engage in church activities or to teach our children about the things of God because we feel a need to watch one more race, one more football game or the latest episode of our favorite show. 169 channels have taken over our lives and we have passively allowed it to happen.
Stop! Turn it off! Disconnect all channels and reclaim your life and your family. And please, do it now before we give account of our lives to God.