Saturday, December 28, 2024


                                             I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS

                   Do you have friends? Surely, we all do. Or at least we all like to think we have friends. A friend is precious in this life. What a lonely journey it would be if we walked the rugged terrain of this life all alone. We need someone beside us, if for no other reason than to assure us that in the most tragic events of life there is one nearby whose love we can be assured of (Proverbs 17:17 A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity).
                   The friends that we have, assuming they are true friends, care about our character. It is a friend who will let you know when you fall short in kindness, love, hospitality, honesty and even in holiness and godliness. As friends we work together to become the children of God we are called to be. In our interactions with each other there should be mutual ‘honing’ of our very personality (Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so, a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend”). It is not always pleasant to hear about our shortcomings. But knowing those criticisms are coming from someone who cares about us does make it a bit more palatable. 
                   So, do we have friends? Most will say, unhesitatingly, “Yes, of course I do.” In fact, just a little while ago I personally looked at my Facebook page and saw that I have 246 friends. I must be really friendly (Proverbs 18:24 “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly….). I think we know those are not all ‘real’ friends. Many are relatives. Some are recent acquaintances. And some may just be pretending so that they can snoop around a bit. Regardless, the fact is most have only a few real friends.
It is those we call real friends that I want to focus on. What would you do for a friend? What would you not do for a friend? I can hear it now, you would go to the ends of the world, you would move mountains. Why, many of you would dare to say that you would even die for a friend. That is all commendable, it really is admirable. I don’t doubt at all that you mean it from the very depths of your soul. But is it true? 
If a friend needed your help desperately, would you help even though in offering your help you realize the very moment you do you will lose the friendship you cherish so dearly? What if coming alongside to pull your friend out of critical danger costs you his/her friendship forever? Many Christians like to pick-and-choose the passages of Scripture they will adhere to instead of embracing the entirety of God’s Word. Paul made it very clear who our friends should be in 2Corinthians 6:14-18 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? (v.15) And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? (v.16) And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. (v.17) Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, (v.18) and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord AlmightyYet, with well-crafted excuses and ‘reasons’ many, calling themselves Christian today, have mostly unsaved friends. And to maintain those ‘friendships’ they do all of the things the ungodly do. They go to worldly events, engage in worldly conversations that would “embarrass a sailor” and even go to clubs and bars (but not drinking of course, making it Ok). But even that really is not the issue.
A friend will always warn of danger and will even take the proverbial bullet if need be just to protect his friend. Are we friends if we know one that we love is about to suffer beyond imagination and we say nothing? In the fear of losing a friendship today, will you be silent if you have trustworthy information showing your friend is in grave danger.
We are told to evangelize the world. Yet, we remain silent around our “friends” because we want them to continue liking us. Will we actually allow a friend to suffer the agonies of hell for eternity so that we can have 20-40 more years of a pleasant relationship today. Is that kind of selfishness definable as friendship? Think what the day of judgment will be like. As we stand beside the King of Kings justified, redeemed and glorified, what will we say? When the one we dared to call “friend” hears, “depart from me, I never knew you” and he pauses momentarily fixing his horrified gaze upon us, will we dare to say, “But I didn’t want to harm our friendship”?
I have often wondered if, looking deeply into our eyes, we will hear them say with broken hearts, “I thought we were friends.”  

Monday, December 16, 2024



Mary’s immaculate conception is completely unsupported by the Bible. The only two verses I am aware of from which all of Mary-ology is taught comes from Gen. 3:15 “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” and Luke 1:28 “And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.”
This teaching of Mary being without original sin and living a sinless life comes solely from what I refer to as extreme extrapolation. Extreme extrapolation (my version at least) is the idea of taking one word or phrase and giving it an idea or concept that is not intended and then extrapolating on that idea which you generated and making it something unrelated to its original meaning. And then compounding those errors over and over until you create the idea that (for our example) Mary is enthroned in heaven as its queen all because Luke said she was ‘highly favored’ (or full of grace).
Look again at these two verses. Genesis 3:15 simply tells us that God would put “enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed.” He would put a barrier of hatred or contention between Satan and Eve's seed that would continue until Eve’s seed (Jesus) would finally defeat Satan and his minions. Mary is never in view here at all no matter how one might strain to make it so. And in Luke 1:28 all that is said is that she was blessed by God more than any other woman. Without doubt God was extremely gracious to her by allowing her to carry His only Son. No woman has ever been so blessed. But to use this single verse to create a demigod of Mary is in itself ungodly.
The Catholic Church teaches that Adam and Eve were both created without original sin. Adam and Eve fell from grace, and through them mankind continues to sin. Then they go on to say that Christ and Mary were also conceived without original sin (Immaculate Conception). But they remained faithful, and through them mankind was redeemed from sin. Christ is thus the New Adam, and Mary the New Eve (emphasis mine). This is the result of the ‘extreme extrapolation’ of Luke 1:28 as noted above. Mary is never said to be without sin at any time in any Biblical reference, although Jesus is. Continuing this extrapolation forces them to eventually make Mary the cause of salvation.
The Catechism notes: (catechism 494) . . . “As St. Irenaeus says, ‘Being obedient she became the cause of salvation for herself and for the whole human race.’ Hence not a few of the early Fathers gladly assert: ‘The knot of Eve's disobedience was untied by Mary's obedience: what the virgin Eve bound through her disbelief, Mary loosened by her faith.’ Comparing her with Eve, they call Mary ‘the Mother of the living’ and frequently claim: ‘Death through Eve, life through Mary.’”
But this flies in the face of New Testament theology. So many statements like these sound wonderful and filled with deep wisdom. Unfortunately, they are Biblically incorrect and nowhere remotely alluded to anywhere in Scripture. The teaching of original sin lies at Adam’s door not Eve’s. They teach that Eve's disobedience was untied by Mary’s faith. But that is nowhere to be found in the Bible.
Look at this simple passage penned by the Apostle Paul in I Timothy 2:14, “And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” Eve was in transgression because she was tricked (deceived) but Adam chose to sin, he was not deceived. Whereas Eve’s transgression was falling to deception. Adam’s sin was an active choice of his free will. The result of which is expressed by the same Apostle in his letter to the Church at Rome in Romans 5:12,14, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world (not by Eve’s deception but Adam’s choice to sin) and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned…. (v.14) Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, (not from Eve to Moses) even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression (not Eve’s), who is the figure of him that was to come.”
No such passages from God’s Word can be found to support this shameful doctrine of Mary having no original sin and living her life free of any sin. How Mary must grieve with every recitation of the Rosary as she hears “holy Mary, Mother of God.” She indeed carried the physical body of his flesh (protected from original sin by the Holy Spirit) until the day he was born. But she is not God’s Mother. She sinned as we do and she was born with original sin just as we are. And she has nothing to do with our salvation except that she too stood in need of salvation. If we have no sin then we have no need of a Savior but Mary expressed her own need of salvation “And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior” Luke 1:47.
Mary needed to be saved, do you? If you have never been born again (John 3:3-6) you need to be. This Christmas may you receive the greatest gift of all.
You must admit that you too are a sinner, Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Understand there is a real payment because of that sin, Romans 6:23a "For the wages of sin is death…." Believe God loves you so much that He allowed Jesus to pay the price for your sin, Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." And then simply receive His gift of salvation, Romans 6:23b "…but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." When we are truly sorry for sin (repent 2 Cor. 7:10) and receive the gift of God’s love he promises to save us, Rom 10:9-10, 13 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (v.13) "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Right now from your heart pray this prayer or at least something like this: God I know I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sin. And, right now, I ask Jesus to come into my heart to take control of my life and forgive me of my sin. I believe Jesus’ sacrifice was enough and that God accepted it and raised him from the dead. Thank you for saving my soul, amen.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

                                                                  Before the snow falls

                   Spring has come and gone. The crisp evening breezes and the refreshing morning rains have given life to God’s creation according to His design. Life was evident in every scenic view that caught the eye. Here at home our house was surrounded with beautiful flowers and shrubs. So many flowers with names I could never remember but I am sure Jane recalls every one of them. She planted them with care and watched them grow throughout the springtime and on into summer.
                   Summer has come and gone, also. The life that was begun in spring matured into awe inspiring beauty during the summer months. Trees grew tall and strong. A host of animals could be seen nursing their young and teaching them so many lessons they would need for life. We had lovely summer evenings laughing with friends, roasting marshmallows over campfires and walking along beaches or forest paths.
                   And, here we are in the autumn of the year. It really has been enjoyable. Now we find ourselves looking back. We always seem to look back. So many things unfinished. It is difficult to make yourself do the necessary things of life on a beautiful spring afternoon. There are bicycles to ride and boats and skateboards and kites to fly. And of course there are ponds to fish in and fields to lie down in. And then summer just creeps in silently before you even realize he is there. And all of the tasks that had to be finished are put off for just a little longer because the beach, like a siren, calls so softly and seductively. Surely the chores of life can wait just a little longer. How much time can it possibly take to camp in the forest of a great mountain ridge? And surely it isn’t wrong to plan a trip to some of God’s most beautiful waterfalls. And again, the tasks of life are shelved for just a little longer.
                   Autumn now finds us with so much to do and so little time. It is still so very beautiful with the multicolored leaves falling gently in the autumn breeze. Yet, at times, it looks strangely ominous when you notice among those falling leaves the bare arms of so many trees, now only half dressed. Life seems to be dissipating slowly with every gust of wind. It is now the chores of greatest urgency that cause us to say, “I really must get this done before the snow falls.” “I must fix the window shutters before the snow falls.” “I must repair the furnace before the snow falls.” How urgent the needs now seems.
                   And now we find ourselves prioritizing because we know we cannot finish all that must be done…before the snow falls. There simply is not enough time. Isn’t this life? The spring of our youth is spent. The vigor of those middle years is waning. And now, as strength and energy seem to be ebbing away we begin to realize what is really important. We see now what really must be done…before the snow falls.
                   I was speaking with one of our nieces recently and the thought occurred to me, and I shared it with her, that God has people he wants us to influence. And could it be that some of these will be people that only we can influence? Is it possible that we could be their last hope? How urgent the need. How many opportunities have we had and how many have passed us by? We really must reach them…before the snow falls. Before our eyes begin to dim, before our limbs become too frail, before our thoughts are jumbled memories…before the snow falls we must reach them.
                   I fear the autumn of life will continue to absorb my days with idle talk and endless play, with tasks that seem to be important but in the end will burn to ash. I cannot imagine the shame of standing before my Lord on judgment day with empty hands. Will I have nothing but the memory of being busy with life and that clarion call to service unfulfilled?
We really must reach them… before the snow falls?

Tuesday, October 22, 2024



I would never describe myself as depressed or melancholy. I am not the sort to sit and brood upon days that have now slipped into the past. I learned many years ago that as soon as one second of time slips by I cannot ever change its content. And so, I seldom concern myself with yesterday. But, even I can be slapped in the face when great compilations of failure and nonproductive years amass before my consciousness.

I had one of those moments recently. I say moments because I do not allow them to remain. However, the thoughts I had that day caused me to rethink my daily activities. And in that respect negative thinking can be positive.

As I sat at my table with breakfast and coffee I broke down in great tears of remorse. I am not being melodramatic. I am very serious. You see, each of us knows ourselves better than anyone else. And I know at least some of what God could have done with my life. And as I sat here I made the mistake of reflecting. I saw the multitude of years wasted. I saw great destruction and devastation of years that should have, and could have, been used for so much more. Years of time, not days or weeks but years completely void of service. I sat for some time in tears of remorse and brokenness. I asked myself if there really was any purpose to continuing into the last years of life with so much failure in my past. No, I was not suicidal. My question was simply “do I just grab a bench on the sideline of life and wait for the end?”

Many Bible characters came to mind quickly, men and women that God used later in life. And many others whose great contribution to the plan of God for this world was simply a single act in a single moment of time. I began to be encouraged when I remembered that tomorrow could be the best day of my life and my greatest service to God. Maybe I did mess up the first 40 years of my Christian life, but that doesn't mean today can't be great. I reminded myself of a phrase I coined many years ago, “Never allow failure to defeat you.” Failure only wins when we finally give up. And as I sat here feeling sorry for myself the question came to mind, “do you still have breath?” 

Psalm 150 says, “Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. Praise him with the timbral and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” 

If I am alive and still breathing I can praise Him in song and testimony everywhere I go and in every conversation I have. Is that a “small” thing? The final Psalm was dedicated to this one thought, that we praise God. I can't believe it is only a “small” thing. When God gives this much time to conveying one thought it must be a very great thing. I still have breath. With all of my tomorrows I will do this one great thing, I will praise the Lord and I will not allow yesterday to steal even one more of my tomorrows.

God gave you breath...Praise ye the Lord.

Friday, July 12, 2024

If not now, when



So many people say, “When I stand before God I am going to tell him…..” Or, “When I stand before God I will just take whatever comes.” And for others the reaction is more like, “I know I need to do something, but not right now.”

Please, look closely at this verse, “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works” (Rev 20:12). 

Notice very carefully that those who come into the presence of God on the Day of Judgment…are silent. Nobody is asked to defend their position, or to explain their situation or, and more importantly, nobody on that day is offered a second chance. The only thing that happens on that day, before God passes judgment, is “the books were (or will be) opened.” And if you read that verse one more time you will also notice that “another book was opened” also. Why two sets of books?

Today, as you read this, your name is in a book in heaven. And today, while you are still here on this earth and alive, you can decide which book your name is in. If we could go up into heaven right now, if we could enter God’s judgment hall today and open the books of heaven, your name would be in one of those books.

Far too often people get the idea that somehow if they can just do a few really good things God would let them into heaven. Which good things would that be? How many of those good things would it take? How would you know when you have completed just enough of those good things? And what if you died just before you finished that last really good thing? But, it just isn’t true. That is not the way God designed it. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”  Jesus died as our sacrifice for sin so that our names might be written in the Book of Life. Jesus paid the debt for our sin. Our work, or our effort in any form, cannot ever pay for any sin. God will only accept the sinless blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf:

Romans 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God….

Hebrews_9:22b …and without shedding of blood is no remission.

Hebrews_10:18 Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering (needed) for sin.

Looking at these passages, our names are already in His books if our sins have been removed by the sacrifice of Christ. Your name is either in the “books” or your name is in the “book” as we arrive at the judgment seat. The distinction between the “books” and the “book” is given in verse 15, And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” The dead, those who are not saved, are judged out of the things written in the books (v.12-13). The final judgment is eternal and that judgment will be horrible if your name is in the books. It may be worse for one than for another but, eternity in hell is horrifying no matter how you may view it.

I have heard so many make jokes about it. I have heard people say, “Well, at least I will be with my friends and we will party when we get there.” In reality, it is more likely that we will blame one another for being there. And we will undoubtedly be praying that none of our family members ever have to join us there.

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus shares the only instance we have of a real life record of a man going to hell. His response is not what so many joke about today. Instead, the man in hell (Luke 16) is in torment and begs for even a drop of water to cool his thirst. And his final thoughts are on his family. He pleads with Abraham to send Lazarus to his five brothers who are still alive on earth to warn them about this horrible place. Abraham’s response is unbelievable, but so true, especially when we understand how evil the human heart can be. He said that if they will not listen to the Word of God being preached here, while they are alive, they would not listen even if a ghost from hell (like Lazarus) appeared before them as a testimony.

How many times have you heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached? Every time you heard it you were given an opportunity to move your name from the books of judgment to the Book of Life. As you read this today you are being given one more chance. It could in fact be, your last chance. God does not owe us even one chance to be saved. If you have ever heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and been given one opportunity to be saved and have your name placed in the Book of Life, that was one more chance than God owes any of us. Did you receive Christ at that time? Did you get saved that day and have your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Or, did you say, “Not now.” Will you wake up tomorrow morning and have one more chance? Or, will you discover your name was written in the books of judgment as God reads from their pages and proclaims, “Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41)?

If not now, then when? Normally, none of us plan to die. Most of us go to bed in the evening fully expecting to wake up here, on earth, in the morning. But, will we? A few months ago, a friend of mine was returning home from a doctor’s visit. He pulled his car to the side of the road, and died. Two months ago, another friend, riding his 4-wheeler on his farm, wrecked and died. January 16, 2023, I stopped my Versa at a 4 way stop sign. As I pulled through, I was broadsided by a Chevy Tahoe who never even slowed for the stop sign. Obviously, I did not die. But for a brief moment I believed I had. For me, it would have meant the glory of God and eternal joy.

If you died today, are you sure heaven will be your home for eternity? To find out how you can have your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life go to:       (Or, click on "How to be Born Again" in the top left corner of this page.)

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Why am I Here


Why Here?

It was absolutely frigid outside; the air was frozen in place. On the highway, snow was falling so heavily I could barely see out of the windshield. The glass had been covered with a combination of snow and streaked ice providing a view into the dismal wintry night that spoke of the many frightening possibilities still ahead. The heat from the defroster shattered the windshield in my vain attempt to gain visibility. And again, in my heart I wondered, how I had ever gotten to this place in life. Why here? Why now? And most disturbing, why me? Thirteen years behind the wheel of a truck and I was college educated. I was born again. I wanted to follow the Lord. I wanted His direction in my life. Yet, here I sat. Tonight, like so many other nights, I was in the seat of an 18-wheeler frightened for the life of all those around me, knowing how horribly the night could change with one simple mistake. Is this really what God wanted for my life? At home I had two lovely children and a beautiful wife who were counting on me. How could this be God’s will?

Have your thoughts gone there as well? Wherever you are tonight, have you wondered if you are in the right place?

Maybe you are in the military. It wasn’t your first choice in life. It seemed like an opportunity. It was a choice that would allow you an income, and possibly training that may help as you reconsidered the direction life was taking. But now, now you find yourself deep in the heart of a distant, hostile country.  Or, maybe you are on a battleship in the middle of a vast ocean with no land in site. Above, looms a sky painted with more stars than you have ever imagined as you cruise over an ocean void of humanity. Not a soul in sight except for those on your vessel. Hundreds of miles of nothing, in every direction. And you are wondering, how you ever got here. Surely, this was by accident. Is it even possible to see God’s purpose in life when you are so far from anything that seems reasonable?

Maybe you were studying for the medical field and now you find yourself on an assembly line, in a factory watching parts go by? Certainly, you are better than this. But, is it possible that one of your co-workers was placed there by God because God knew you would be there today? Did God want you to meet? But, you are educated and your co-workers are…are not. You could be the only person able to reach that one individual. God knows where we need to be.

Or, maybe you are waiting tables in a second-rate restaurant. Serving food to people who think they are superior to you simply because you are paid to bring them food. Is it even possible that this could be God’s will for your life? You have studied. You have a degree, or almost have one. You are better than this. You had hopes and dreams. Yet, isn’t it just possible that God put you there to help a young mother who is struggling in life with the same issues you faced just a few years ago (II Cor. 1:4)? It might be absolutely imperative that a young person sitting at the edge of a psychological precipice meets you today. What if your frustration with life blinds your eyes to their need? Would they be able to find help?

We fail to see God’s will for our life when we focus on “our plan” for “our life.” When I was an over-the-road truck driver (with a college degree) I was surprised to learn that the job I wanted was not as important as I had once imagined it to be. We tend to focus on what will take us through life in a financially secure fashion. As a Christian, is that the direction God wants us to go? On my journey in trucking I met a young man who needed desperately to talk to someone. I never saw his face. I met him very late at night on my CB radio. At first, he was rude and spiteful. But, soon he settled down as we began to talk about the Lord. That night he found answers that might never have come had I been somewhere else, instead of being on that radio, in that truck. I met another individual who told me he wasn’t married, even though he was living with a lady and had two children by her. After a very lengthy, and less than polite, conversation he finally understood how God viewed his situation. We had many conversations over the next couple of weeks. He came by my truck before he began his vacation time and told me he was going home to propose to the young lady. Would he have done so if we never met? I cannot possibly tell you how many people I met over those 13 years. But, every one of them was placed there by God. And, I often wonder how many I never met because of my attitude toward my situation. I did not want to be a truck driver. It was a job I always disdained. And yet, somehow in life it became the place God chose to use me. Ultimately, I learned that our job in life is not to do our job. Our job is to be used by God in our present situation.

As children of God we are never anywhere by accident. We may miss a thousand opportunities in life because of our attitude and our inability to see His purpose. But that does not mean the privilege to serve Him was never there. Wherever you are today, a foreign country, a Navy ship, or in a factory you have come to loathe, stop for a moment and look around you. Embrace the privilege of service and meet each and every person God brings into your live, they are not there by accident.

Why here? Why this job? Because, somebody very near to you right now, is there because God wants you to meet.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Homosexuality in the New Testament

                                 Does the New Testament address Homosexuality?

A matter of conviction? If something is shown to be wrong it is no longer a matter of conviction, it is a matter of right and wrong, of obedience or sin.

One can look at Paul’s teaching on hair and wait for conviction, I Corinthians 11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?  He does not make it clear that this is or is not an actual mandate for the modern church or if it is a long standing moral obligation. So one can pray about it and see if God will make it a matter of compliance or freedom for them. However, I doubt whether anyone will look at the Ten Commandments and say they do not feel convicted about compliance with them. They are clearly taught as Divine truths which all of us must obey. So when the Bible makes it clear that something is a Biblical truth one simply obeys. We do not, and must not, use the idea of ‘conviction’ as a tool for avoiding godliness in our daily lives.

Homosexuality is a choice. The nature and power of God are clearly seen (Rom. 1:19-20) in all of nature and is formed within the very heart of man...there are no true atheists anywhere in the world only people who struggle to remove God from their hearts and minds until they are finally successful. In other words an atheist is one who pushed God out of his consciousness, not one who never believed.

Look again at verses 22-23. The truth of God is suppressed, held back and hindered by the unrighteousness of man. False religions and every kind of idol worship is the result of man denying God's existence; changing what they knew was right; choosing, making a cognitive decision, to worship false gods. At some point (v.24) God said, "That's enough" and stopped trying to change man's mind. He finally allowed us to sink into our own depravity because of the hardness of our own hearts. This is the birthplace of homosexuality, this is where it originates. When men are faced with the truth of God and His Word they rebel. People hate absolutes and the Bible is one humongous absolute. There can be no deviance from it in any fashion. And one of its biggest absolutes we saw in Part 1 of this discussion and that is sexual immorality. The two most prominent results of denying God are the worship of false gods (ultimately humanism) and sexual sin. Not wanting to conform to Divine standards and to worship of the one True God man intentionally pressed God from his consciousness. So, God finally left man to his own devices and to face the ultimate judgment of his actions. Verse 32 shows that man revels in the fellowship of others who choose the same ungodly life style as their own knowing they face the ultimate judgment of God. In other words, they search for others to join them in their sin. 

Yes, homosexuality is clearly a choice. There may be a tendency toward any given sin. Look at alcoholism. Some years ago I heard a study that said alcoholism is a disease and that it could be shown that there is a predisposition toward dependency that could be detected genetically. Well then, shall we say that since we are predisposed to certain things that we should simply give in to them? Should the alcoholic become the very best alcoholic he can be? Should the crack addict become the best crack addict he can be? And should the homosexual surrender to his/her sin? If there is a predisposition to something shall we simply embrace it and completely surrender to it since it seems to be a natural tendency for us? To all of these we would say no. But for some reason society says to accept homosexuality even knowing it is nothing more than a predisposition to uncontrolled corrupt passions. Without becoming too perverse for this type of study let me just say that all of us can imagine a multitude of vile sins that we should not give in to. Yet, we can also think of people we know or have seen in the news who are engaged in such vulgar activities. If they have predispositions to these activities, should they just give in and continue to pursue them? Or, should they seek help in giving them up and becoming free of them?

Marriage is an image of the Divine relationship: Only a couple of references are offered here. Since God frequently referred to His relationship with Israel as being like a husband and wife the references then would be many. (Here are 2 examples, Isaiah 54:5-6 shows God ‘married’ to Israel. And Revelation 19:7-9 shows Jesus married to the Church.) However, in Paul’s letter to the Church at Ephesus he explains in more detail how the marriage union is used to exemplify the relationship Christ has with His Church.
Ephesians 5:23-26 “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. (v.24) Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. (v.25) Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it….” (Ephesians 5:30-32) “For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. (v.31) For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. (v.32) This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.”

In the Old Testament Israel was seen as God’s wife. In the New Testament the Church is seen as the Bride of Christ. But notice the marriage union is used to exemplify the union of God with His people in both cases. It is not found anywhere in scripture that God ever used a same sex image to reflect his relationship with us. Homosexuality is a vulgar and crude corruption of a beautiful image that God gave us to represent His relationship to His people, an image that was intended to help us understand our relationship to God.

Genesis 1:22, 28; 8:17; 9:1 (please look up each one. Again limited by space.)
The first command of God to His non-human creation was to multiply upon the earth and later that same command was issued to man. An innate inability to do so reveals that something is not right, either a birth defect, an injury or something else, since anything created by God has the ability to reproduce after its own kind. No created being functioning within its natural parameters is without the ability to reproduce. A natural male and female without physical defects can reproduce. However, no male with male or female with female can ever do so, it is not natural. They cannot fulfill this command of God. The only way for them to even pretend to reproduce is to take children from others. They must take other people’s children and then try to raise them with a corrupted view of the family unit God gave us, a structure He designed to help us understand our relationship to Him.

Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Our creation has something to do with the nature of God and that includes the idea of both male and female and never the inclusion of something half way in between.

Homosexuality is an aberration of God’s creation, it is not natural.

Homosexuality in the Old Testament


Part 1: What does the Old Testament say about homosexuality?

Leviticus 18:22-30 “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. (v.23) Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. (v.24) Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: (v.25) And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. (v.26) Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: [v.27 (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;)] (v.28) That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you. (v.29) For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people. (v.30) Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.

Can a stronger case for sexual purity in a heterosexual relationship be made? God himself makes the case and gives the commandment without reservation or apology. In verse 22 you find “Thou shalt not…” as the introduction to the topic. A phrase of this type leaves no room for opinion or discussion. In fact, the whole idea of choosing one thing over another for any reason at all is eradicated. You will only choose to obey God or to disobey God. And that decision brings with it eternal reward or consequence beyond human comprehension. Disobedience to this command reveals the condition of the human heart which was summed up in Psalm 14:1 “The fool hath said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” Anyone committing the sin talked about in this passage is doing something which is ‘toebah’ (from the Hebrew meaning, a disgusting thing, abomination, abominable).

So then, what is this act which is so disgusting or abominable? Paul mentions it in Romans chapter one as a primary cause for God lifting his hand of blessing and allowing men to fall into the deepest depravities of their own hearts, Romans 1:26-27 “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: (v.27) and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly.” This is the same sin which is recorded in Leviticus 18:22 “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” In case there is any doubt read the entire chapter and you will see that all sexual sin is in view. We are told in Leviticus 18 to stay away from any form of sexual sin. However, special notice is given (no less than 5 verses) to sexual relationships which involve men with men or women with women. And included with that concept is what most would agree is vile and that is humans with animals. But make no mistake, homosexuality is included with bestiality and viewed as equally vile. Yes, I did just say homosexuality and bestiality are equally repugnant and viewed before God on precisely the same level. One is the same as the other in God’s eyes.

Now look at the results of such actions. Today we have legislated this vulgar act of depravity into a laudable condition to be praised and embraced. But no amount of human legislation will ever remove the consequence of sin.  The lives of those people was affected not only individually with the judgment of God on their lives but also as a nation. Look closely at the verses again. This time I have removed some words in order to cut-to-the-chase and clarify the point.
[All parenthetical statements were added by me.]

Verse 24, “…for in all these (sexual sins) the nations are defiled which I cast out before you.”
Verse 25 “And the land is defiled (by homosexuality): therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.”
Verse 27 “For all these abominations (homosexuality, bestiality)…the land is defiled.”
Verse 28 (my paraphrase) Because of homosexuality and other sexual sin the land itself refused to produce and they were forced to leave.
Verse 29 “For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations… shall be cut off….”
Verse 30 “Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance…(and) defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.”  

Homosexuality is the beginning of the ruin of a nation. All lands (not just Sodom and Gomorrah) before the Jews in this passage were destroyed as a result of such vile sexual sins. And now they are warned of impending judgment for the very same reasons. In Romans Paul warned that it was this very sin that finally caused God to lift his hand and allow mankind to fall into such spiritual and moral degradation as they had never known before. Today we embrace this same sick behavior and dare to stand in the face of God and say He is wrong for ever condemning homosexuality. Men take his Word and attempt to distort it so that we can classify homosexuality as an ‘alternate’ lifestyle. Where is the fear of the judgment of a holy and righteous God?  Romans 3:18 says of fallen man, “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

If there were no other passage in the Bible standing against homosexuality this one should surely be sufficient. However, it does not stand alone. A few others to consider are: Leviticus 20:13; Deuteronomy 23:17-18; I Kings 14:22-24; 15:11-12; 22:44-46; II Kings 23:6-7.
Remember, virtually every reference to homosexuality in the Bible is met with Divine judgment.

How does America become so foolish as to believe God will turn His head this time?

Sunday, May 12, 2024





I really don’t remember when, since I was born in 1954, but sometime in the early ‘60s our family got a brand new 13 inch black and white television. It was simply awesome. I am not so sure that our Father was equally excited since he was solely in charge of climbing onto the roof to install the massive antenna. Not only did he have to install it but he also had to adjust it. You see, it had to be turned a particle way so that we could receive all three channels. One channel was really pretty clear. The other two were “snowy,” one more than the other. But it was truly an exciting day. Well, for us it was. But our grandmother would visit and later, would live with us briefly. And her most memorable phrase was, “Would you turn off that boob-tube” or something very similar to that. Her perception was truly prophetic.

My wife and I were married only about 9-10 years when I had an epiphany. By this time we had two very young children and we were still living in Smithburg, WV. I was coming home from work daily, having dinner and then just sitting down to watch one or two shows before bed. I had perceived that something was beginning to irritate my wife but did not really pick up the hint. Although, all on my own, I did notice I had no time to spend with my wife and children. Where had my time gone? Well, my epiphany was simple. Like a flash the accumulated time hit me. One show is often 90-120 minutes and added to the second show…well. You see, if I get home and have dinner it is 6:00 - 6:30 before I am done. Then add 3 hours of television and it is 9:30. The children are in bed and so is my wife. We had basic cable and because of a fluke we never had to pay for it. So, I saw no reason to get rid of it, until that moment. The cost was not monetary. The cost was my family. Later, in our new home, and to this very day, we never connected cable, satellite or even an exterior antenna.

The choice to never connect a signal to our home was made because of my addiction to television. But the true value was quickly seen in our family. After disconnecting the signal our children would spend most of the daylight hours outside or in other creative pursuits. As the sun would set, they would come inside and we would spend much of our time in family-oriented activities or in hobbies and reading. My mind simply reels when I hear companies offer up to 189 channels on average. Why? We received 3 and even then, my grandmother could see the problem. When I finally saw what it was doing to my family, my wife and I agreed it had to go.

Please do not even try to say it does not affect your family. Spouses are separated from each other not only by employment but by home entertainment. Today, we each have a favorite show or sports program we simply must watch, or game we must play. Some couples go so far as to watch their own program in separate rooms. And when a parent spends a few minutes with a child but 2-3 hours with a television the child understands completely which is most important. And in most families today it works both ways. The children grow up sitting in front of the television ignoring parents for hours on end. And combine that with computer and cell phone time and it leaves no time at all. There is no time left for interpersonal relationships or educational endeavors in most of our homes today.

Of equal concern is the educational deprivation. I was speaking with a friend the other day about his reaction to re-reading The Federalist Papers. What struck him during this second reading was the astounding level of education of the writers. Our founding fathers were amazingly intellectual. At the time this country was founded much of the education was done in home and often through personal pursuit. They wanted to learn and they took the time to read. Unfortunately, today the television and the computer are restricting education even though they could provide a wealth of educational opportunities. But they simply do not do so because gaming and social media dominate in most homes. Adults will use game systems at home for hours.

We become very proud of the number of channels we receive. What about the number of books we have read? What about the skills we have learned or the outreaches we are involved in? Or, the quality of individual our children are becoming? We don’t have time for any of those because we have 150 more channels to watch.

And as a Christian, is this a wise use of the time God has given to each of us? We don’t have time for personal reading of the Bible or any other godly literature. We don’t have time to pray. And we don’t have time to engage in church activities or to teach our children about the things of God because we feel a need to watch one more race, one more football game or the latest episode of our favorite show. 169 channels have taken over our lives and we have passively allowed it to happen.

Stop! Turn it off! Disconnect all channels and reclaim your life and your family. And please, do it now before we give account of our lives to God.