Tuesday, January 5, 2021



I was told, indirectly, I am not a loving person because I said that homosexual relationships are sexual perversions. 

If one believes that there is a God and that He will judge sin, what should one’s response be? Should we not make every effort to help people find a right relationship with God? And does that not mean they must come to a proper understanding of sin so that they actually can repent (Luke 13:5; IICor. 7:10) and begin to build that proper relationship?
The problem I am seeing is one of reluctance to stand for righteousness. If all we have for a foundation is public opinion then I must concede the issue and agree with those standing in favor of….well, whatever they happen to be standing in favor of at the moment. Because you see, if all we have as a standard is public opinion it will shift with the wind. Today homosexuality is wonderful. When I was young it was understood to be sexual perversion. Today bestiality is considered sexual perversion, but for how long? Today child molesting is considered to be wrong, but for how long? Today pornography is (generally) considered to be improper behavior, but for how much longer? The list is endless. It is endless because there is no standard of right or wrong behavior. All of these can and will change just as soon as public opinion shifts. When society is properly corrupted all of these and many others just as vile will be acceptable.
When we come to understand that there is a God and that He will judge in accordance with His Holy Word then the standards change. We call drunkenness wrong because the Bible does (Eph. 5:18). We call harming a child in any sense wrong because the Bible does (Luke 17:2). The emphasis that the Bible puts on sexual sin is strong and extensive. I can provide a study on it if anyone actually cares to read it. The point though is simple. We stand against all of these because the Bible does and because the end result is eternity in a very literal Hell.
Am I more loving if I passively stand aside and smile at you as you slip into Hell for eternity? Or, is my love and compassion better expressed by screaming at you and standing in your way in an attempt to keep you from being cast into the pits of Hell for all of eternity? The letter that Jude wrote expresses it this way in verses 22 and 23, “And of some have compassion, making a difference: (v.23) And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.” How cruel is the person who would speak soft and gentle words of encouragement and acceptance to someone who is about to stand in the presence of Almighty God to face judgment knowing, that person is currently living in open rebellion to God’s righteousness clearly expressed in His eternal Word? Am I not the most heinous of individuals if, in an attempt to retain their friendship, I passively stand aside and smile when I could have done something to prevent their suffering? LOVE will step in and come to one’s aid even if it is currently uncomfortable to do so. What should we call that which allows suffering in an effort to prevent friction in a relationship? It certainly isn’t love.
Because I do sincerely love people who are drunkards, liars, thieves, homosexuals, and otherwise generally self-absorbed people living in open opposition to the righteousness of God, I choose to stand in their way. Love compels me to do so. And by the grace of God and with the Word of God I will stop some, and turn them to the love and grace of our God expressed by the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ on Calvary for the redemption of their very souls.