something in the Word of God suddenly becomes real to you, when the reality of
that truth is almost paralyzing as you see it materializing in the real-world
around you, what do you do?
a friend asked if I would take the time to watch a video he had come across.
That is certainly not uncommon. Most of us understand that when we see or hear
things that prick us in the heart, whether by fear or fascination, we are prone
to share them with those we are close to. And so, knowing he was one who truly
wants to walk with Christ, I felt the video might be well worth my interest. And
it was. This is not an alarmist conspiracy theory alert, so please continue
I was only a few years old in our Lord, having been saved only 2-3 years
earlier, I was introduced to the Illuminati. Fear and the desire to expose this
entity was all-the-rage at that time. Most religious groups who spoke of the
end times would focus their efforts on exposing them. Early on, I was shown the
pyramid symbol on our dollar bill and heard about their infiltration into our governing
bodies. That was some 45 years ago. Since that time, it has all but vanished
from the pulpits. Other issues have taken their place. Did they go away? Are
they no longer a concern?
my first pastorate, a friend and member of our church explained he had once
been a freemason. He gave it up after receiving Christ as his Savior. However,
he did want me to have his copy of the freemason handbook he had been given to
study. I took it home and read it voraciously. I learned it did not matter to
the freemasons which god you worshipped since every country they were in had
their own god. Clearly, freemasonry was not Christian. At the best it might
have been called theistic. So, I understood why he felt the need to leave the
freemasons behind.
watching the video I had been given, these things (and others more terrifying)
were brought to light and tied together. I began to understand the connection
they all had. The speaker on the video was trying to help people understand
that these entities were tied together and running the governments of this
world. And he was right. I believe almost every word of what he said.
closed the video. I sat and thought. I wondered at all I had heard. But…I was
not at all surprised. I have long known as I am sure many of you know, Satan is
in control of this world. Does it matter which form he takes? It is good to
always remember this world is in Satan’s control. But we never need to fear
that fact, because God is always in control of the end results. He will be the
victor and He will reign supreme. So, what do we do with the knowledge?
watch its growth and expanse as the years go by and take heart as we see it
fulfilling the prophecies of God. God said evil would fill this world again
just at it did in the days of Lot and Noah. In Noah’s day God could only find one
family to save. Evil will fill every government in this world. As it gets
closer to that mark, WE GET CLOSER TO HOME. Find encouragement that fact, not
get off your stump. We do not need to focus on learning all about Satan’s
methods and tactics. We need to fulfill the command of Christ, “And the lord said unto the
servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that
my house may be filled” (Luke 14:23). I know the first response will
be that the lost need to see the danger. However, let me offer this example:
are facing someone who has an immediate life threating danger directly behind
them. They do not see it. You
are about to scream out to them the need they have to take your hand for rescue before they die. Will
you say, “please quickly take my hand you are about to die?” Or will you try to spend the next thirty minutes
explaining what is behind them knowing they might possibly slip and fall into it at any moment. Really
it does not matter if it is fire, a spear about to be thrust into them, a vat of deadly acid or a pit
of vipers, they just need to be saved from the danger.
Warn them and offer them Jesus.
Today’s horrific political environment should
motivate us to win the lost at any cost. Understand the dangers without becoming
entangled in them but preach Christ and Christ crucified for sin.