Friday, December 31, 2021

How You Can Tell

 How you can tell

Am I a biker? Well, I ride a motorcycle. I put a helmet on my head (because I don’t trust me). I get on it. I start it. And I can drive it down most roads with little to no difficulty. However, I don’t get into the curves too fast or ride it on dirt tracks or mountain passes. Why? Because even though I am able to ride a motorcycle when the road is smooth and straight, I am not necessarily an accomplished rider. I don’t take long trips on a bike. I do not spend much time caring for the machine other than putting gas and oil in it. I did wash it once this year. I ride a motorcycle but I am not a biker. There is a big difference between a biker and a rider.

Christianity has similar distinctives. There are a good many people today who would claim to be Christian. They attend church when they have time as long as it is not too inconvenient. They are often seen putting some small amount of money in the offering plate as it passes. In fact, many who claim to be Christian even try to do things in public that look religious. Is church attendance worship? Does giving a small amount “appease” God? Is doing good things the same as being holy?

I was at the post office this morning. A middle-aged woman driving a pickup truck pulled into the lot. After she entered the office she began to tell a story to the post master. In that story she made no attempt to refrain from the use of common vulgarities. What she did and said clearly caused me to wonder if she had ever been saved. I felt sorry for her as I wondered about her eternal state. As I passed by her truck I saw a large Bible on the dash in clear view. Was it her Bible? Did she actually claim to be born again? Later in the day I was on the computer and was directed to the page of a friend whom I am fairly certain would claim to be saved. As I read the entries posted by my friend I was actually shocked and at times appalled by what was there. Were these people Christians? Think this through carefully, were they Christians?

Believers today (those who claim to be saved) have no real sense of holiness. There is no revulsion toward sin, no actual hatred of sin. Christians today essentially sin and say, “oops” and go on with life. God calls us to a holy, sin free, life. Jesus told the woman taken in adultery (John 8:11) to “go and sin no more.” 1Peter 1:15 says, “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation.”  And we are warned by the Apostle Paul that if we do sin God will punish us for it if we are truly saved, Hebrews 12:5b-6, “…My son despise not the chastening of the Lord nor faint when though art rebuked of Him. (v.6) For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.” These two passages are most enlightening. If we are not living holy lives we are living in open rebellion against God. And the evidence that we are God’s children is the chastisement (punishment) that God brings into our lives every day because of our sin. Here then is the dilemma. If we are sinning without God punishing us, are we saved? If we can live in un-holiness without guilt are we truly the children of God? It is almost like we want to be bikers without being dedicated to biking. We are trying to be Christians without allowing God into our daily lives, without allowing His Holy Spirit to reign supreme in our hearts.

We do not perform all the things that Christians are known to do in order to be saved. BUT, if we are saved and God’s Holy Spirit is living in our heart, if we have truly been born again we will naturally be living differently, II Cor. 5:17 “Therefore, if any man be in Christ he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, behold all things are become new.” 

When people see you, what do they see? Do they see someone who is living a holy life in compliance with the command of God? Are there noticeable differences between your life today and the life you lived before coming to Christ? What words come out of your mouth during a conversation? Or, what do your text messages and facebook postings reveal about the heart you said was changed by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ?

Jesus left us here in this world to be ambassadors for Christ, to represent Him here. Everything we do reflects on the name of our Lord positively or negatively. We are His ambassadors. With everything we say, everything we post on these computers and every text we send we are telling a lost world something about our God.

What did you, by your actions or words, tell the world about Jesus today?

Friday, December 17, 2021

The Battle

 The Battle

2Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

If we were going to war we would not allow the things of this world to distract us. And, in our more modern thinking, we would not likely be concerned with pleasing the one who chose us for any army. However, one can see the intent of this statement just the same, “Please God with your life since it is God who chose you to become one of His own.” He chose you.

                We get so caught up with the things in this world, never really understanding their temporal nature. The Apostle John saw it almost 2000 years ago; I John 2:15-16 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (v.16) For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. Everything around us is temporary and has no lasting purpose or value. We live in a spiritual universe, not physical. It is the spiritual which will continue not the physical. We put so much value on the things we see, striving to attain, working to gain more, finding ways to preserve or retain more “things”. When, in reality, it is the spiritual realm around us that actually matters. We are a brief physical manifestation in an eternal spiritual realm. The primary focus should be our eternal souls. But instead, we hold feverishly to our bank accounts, our public image, the status we have in society and all the possessions we have amassed, never pausing to consider that in a single moment of time it will all vanish.

                Our focus must become our relationship with God. The verse we cited above mentions soldiers. Timothy assumes first that we are members of God’s army, that we are born again children of God*. The children of God are the soldiers that Paul makes reference to in this verse. Too many of us become sons of God and then choose to stay home and not join in with the army of God. It is not a separate enlistment. When one becomes a child of God they are automatically enlisted in his army. Sadly, many of God’s soldiers choose to stay home and not join in the battle. God is warring for the souls of men. He is trying to save as many as possible before the end while a large part of his own army remains “encamped” at home in the comforts of this physical world.

                We must learn to focus on the battle. Paul told Timothy our war, our fight, must be one in which we are free from the affairs of this life. Our focus should be the souls of men, they are eternal. Every person we see will one day stand (or kneel) in the presence of God. The only question is whether they kneel as born-again believers at the Judgment Seat of Christ or as condemned souls at the Great White Throne. 

As Christians, our current concern seems to be more about maintaining other’s friendships and affections today in the few short years we share in this physical realm. We are in a battle for their souls. Release the hold of worldly affections and do everything possible to get them under the sound of the Gospel. Yes, it may cause us to lose their companionship today. But, if they finally, somewhere in life, meet Christ because of our testimony would the loss of their friendship today be too great a price to pay? The eternal gratitude of a redeemed soul will be of far greater value than anything this world offers.

                We are in a great spiritual battle and the only things which are eternal are the souls of our family, friends and acquaintances here. Turn your eyes to the battlefield and become one that the Father can be glad he chose for the fight. Be the soldier God has called you to be. Don’t be timid or shy. We must all come to the place in our Christian life where we can say with Paul, “… I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16).

                Get in the battle “that (you) may please him who hath chosen (you) to be a soldier.”


 *If you have not been born again then stop here please and read:

Thursday, July 8, 2021




                        When something in the Word of God suddenly becomes real to you, when the reality of that truth is almost paralyzing as you see it materializing in the real-world around you, what do you do?

                        Recently a friend asked if I would take the time to watch a video he had come across. That is certainly not uncommon. Most of us understand that when we see or hear things that prick us in the heart, whether by fear or fascination, we are prone to share them with those we are close to. And so, knowing he was one who truly wants to walk with Christ, I felt the video might be well worth my interest. And it was. This is not an alarmist conspiracy theory alert, so please continue reading.

                        When I was only a few years old in our Lord, having been saved only 2-3 years earlier, I was introduced to the Illuminati. Fear and the desire to expose this entity was all-the-rage at that time. Most religious groups who spoke of the end times would focus their efforts on exposing them. Early on, I was shown the pyramid symbol on our dollar bill and heard about their infiltration into our governing bodies. That was some 45 years ago. Since that time, it has all but vanished from the pulpits. Other issues have taken their place. Did they go away? Are they no longer a concern?

                        In my first pastorate, a friend and member of our church explained he had once been a freemason. He gave it up after receiving Christ as his Savior. However, he did want me to have his copy of the freemason handbook he had been given to study. I took it home and read it voraciously. I learned it did not matter to the freemasons which god you worshipped since every country they were in had their own god. Clearly, freemasonry was not Christian. At the best it might have been called theistic. So, I understood why he felt the need to leave the freemasons behind.

                        In watching the video I had been given, these things (and others more terrifying) were brought to light and tied together. I began to understand the connection they all had. The speaker on the video was trying to help people understand that these entities were tied together and running the governments of this world. And he was right. I believe almost every word of what he said.

                        I closed the video. I sat and thought. I wondered at all I had heard. But…I was not at all surprised. I have long known as I am sure many of you know, Satan is in control of this world. Does it matter which form he takes? It is good to always remember this world is in Satan’s control. But we never need to fear that fact, because God is always in control of the end results. He will be the victor and He will reign supreme. So, what do we do with the knowledge?

                        First, watch its growth and expanse as the years go by and take heart as we see it fulfilling the prophecies of God. God said evil would fill this world again just at it did in the days of Lot and Noah. In Noah’s day God could only find one family to save. Evil will fill every government in this world. As it gets closer to that mark, WE GET CLOSER TO HOME. Find encouragement that fact, not fear.

                        Second, get off your stump. We do not need to focus on learning all about Satan’s methods and tactics. We need to fulfill the command of Christ, “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled” (Luke 14:23). I know the first response will be that the lost need to see the danger. However, let me offer this example:

                        You are facing someone who has an immediate life threating danger directly behind them. They do not see it. You are about to scream out to them the need they have to take your hand for   rescue before they die. Will you say, “please quickly take my hand you are about to die?” Or will you try to spend the next thirty minutes explaining what is behind them knowing they might possibly slip and fall into it at any moment. Really it does not matter if it is fire, a spear about to be thrust into them, a vat of deadly acid or a pit of vipers, they just need to be saved from the danger. Warn them and offer them Jesus.  

                        Today’s horrific political environment should motivate us to win the lost at any cost. Understand the dangers without becoming entangled in them but preach Christ and Christ crucified for sin. 

Monday, June 7, 2021

Mirrors Lie



      No kidding, mirrors really do lie. Oh, I don't think they do it on purpose. Most mirrors would like to be honest but they just can't help it. Or maybe, it really isn't them at all. It could be our perception of the reflection we see. Let's not blame mirrors entirely. Understand that each of us has an idea of what we look like. We really don't know what we look like to the rest of the world. We have only our own personal impression of what they see, and it is terribly skewed.

     You really can never stand back and look at yourself and expect to see what others see. Think of your graduation photo for the High School year book. Your friends gathered around and told you how that photo looked just like you and it was such a great shot. But you sat there on the verge of vomiting as soon as you laid eyes on it. So, what was the difference? You both viewed the same photo and came away with entirely different concepts.

     Not long ago I was in a public washroom and caught a profile of myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Was that really me? Is it possible that I actually looked like that to the rest of the world? Mirrors lie.

     We will never see, in a mirror or photo, what friends and relatives see when they talk to us or walk along beside us in the yard or at a church function. They see, in addition to the surface features, all of the personality and years of love and friendship that has grown between us. They see character that mere glass cannot reflect and film can never capture. You can't see what they do because you also see all that you know about yourself and all that they, by the grace of God, will never know.

     When you look in the mirror, or the store front as you pass by, be forgiving. Don't judge so harshly. Remember, your friends and family love someone dearly who just happens to be wrapped up in that same reflection. Try to see what they see. Try to love the person they have come to love so deeply. And remember, none of it was ever based upon weight, hair style, clothing or blemishes, it was always a matter of character, spirituality and your acceptance of them. We will never really see what others see, but I think we should try.

     In Matthew 22:39 Jesus speaking of the 10 Commandments said, “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” How can we keep this second commandment, to love others as ourselves, if we do not learn to love ourselves first? We can learn to love the person God created when our mirror is not an empty reflection in a glass, but is instead the Mirror of God’s Word (James 1:25). God loves us and sees us (if you are born again) as the redeemed, filled with His Holy Spirit and adopted into His family as joint heirs with His Son Jesus Christ. It is an image no mirror could ever capture. We are the Bride of Christ and you just can’t get any more beautiful than that.

I guess mirrors lie after all.


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

                                        God is Good all the Time

                                                                Psalm 73:1, 22-28 

Psalm 73:1 “A Psalm of Asaph. Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.”

What a wonderful start to a Psalm, right? He says, God is good to Israel and, in fact, He is good to all the righteous. One can almost believe the author is about to ask the reader for a response. Today there is a phrase that elicits this type of responsive participation. It begins with one person saying, “God is good” and those hearing this universal truth respond with, “All the time.” And it’s commonly repeated at least one more time. Unfortunately, our author was not in quite so happy a mood. If you take the time to read verses 2-21 it becomes clear that he was ranting against the wicked and especially the wealthy wicked. He was frustrated that it seemed as though they had it made in this world. They seemed to get away with all forms of ungodliness and then were also able to live in the lap of luxury without a care in this world.

Today, we say God is good. But do we really believe it? Or, are we in lockstep with the Psalmist allowing doubts to arise in our hearts? Wickedness prevails in this world today. It seems to be worse today than it has ever been in any other time in history. Do you ever find yourself asking, “Where is God?” Or even thinking about the ungodly wealthy as the psalmist did, “They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.” That seems to be precisely what Asaph, the author of this psalm, has done.

At some point his heart catches up with his intellect. It is then that this passage takes a very radical turn. I am wondering how many of us need to have one more look around. How many need to re-evaluate what they believe they are seeing? Listen now as the Psalmist reconsiders his own statements.

Psa 73:22 “So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee. (v.23) Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand. (v.24) Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. (v.25) Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. (v.26) My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. (v.27) For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee. (v.28) But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.”

Now he truly hears his own complaints and in verse 22 is honestly remorseful, (I paraphrase) “How could I have been so foolish and ignorant: I was acting no wiser than a common animal.” It is with this very revelation of his own foolishness that he unfolds before us some precious truths. In verse 23, he says that we are always with God. We have never been without the presence of God. We do not know the awfulness of His absence. And He is holding us in His kind and loving right hand. He guides us (v.24) with His holy and righteous counsel and when all else fails and this life finally ends, our end will be with God in His eternal glory. Verse 25 declares the all sufficiency of His Divine nature. Of all who are in Heaven now there is only one who will have the attention of this Psalmist. And on earth there is only one who now commands his undivided attention. In heaven or in earth the presence of God is his reality. In verse 26 his focus shifts to the temporal nature of these bodies. He is fully aware that this flesh is going to decay. But now, in God he recognizes that everything he is, and all he will ever need, is His Heavenly Father. And in verse 27 he briefly reflects again on the wealthy wicked. But this time reality permeates his thoughts. The truth of their condition is unsettling, the wicked will perish but it is even worse than that. All of those who were unsaved and putting others or other things in the place of God in their lives will be destroyed. They will face the final Judgment of a Holy and righteous God.

In our final verse, verse 28, he makes a marvelous discovery; he is divinely illuminated. After such a tirade against the ungodly of this world, and after considering God’s hand in his own life Asaph has a personal revelation. He finally understands that his focus should not have been on the evil of this world. Instead, he needed to stop and look at everything God has already done for him, and to begin seeing what God does for us every day that we are alive.

Once he was able to shift his view from the ‘successful sinners’ of this world and refocus on the daily goodness of God in our lives his entire outlook changed. And with this new outlook he was able to give to each of us this single rule for life: “But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.”

Draw near to God, trust Him and share Him with others. God is good…all the time.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Racial Pride


Racial Pride

                         It is amazing to me that there is so much emphasis on pride when it comes to race in a society that says it is against racism. If we are not to be prideful about our race, then shouldn’t we just be silent about our race? But the underlying issues go much deeper than pride or silence.

                         I would appreciate you thinking for just a moment. Really, I want you to honestly think about my next question. When, at what specific point in time, did you decide the year of your birth? I don’t ask that in order to be comedic. It is an honest question. When did you decide which era to be born in? Was the 20th or 21st  century your first choice? There really are a lot of conveniences that come with this era. I mean really, if you had decided on 317a.d. you wouldn’t have had an XBOX not to mention the total lack of espresso. Now had you decided on 1427a.d. there would have been some conveniences over 317a.d. but still it would not have been the modern society we have today. So, you made a good choice. You decided to be born in the late 1900’s to early 2000’s. Right?

                         Ok, well maybe not. But you did decide to be born into a wealthy family of British royalty. Not British? OK, maybe you chose to be the child of an American icon. At least you didn’t choose poverty. Right?

                         Possibly some of those options were not available to you. However, since there is so much pride in race we can certainly understand you choice of continents. The Asian continent is certainly a better choice than the Artic. And if not there then you would certainly have chosen the European over the South American. Right?

                         Is this stupid enough yet? Prior to your birth you had no choices at all. You did not choose to be born in any era. You could have been born in 317a.d. just as easily as 2067a.d. And you could have been born in poverty as easily as in royalty. You had no choices. You could have been born an Eskimo, a Russian, a Pigmy, or even a giant brother to Goliath. All choices were completely out of your control. You came into awareness after you were born and simply realized, “Wow, I live here with these people. And I am going to have to deal with it.”

                         If you do not believe in God, then it was all random chance, and you have nothing to be proud of. If you, as I do, believe in God then there was a real divine purpose every step of the way. But again, my pride is replaced with His purpose. I have nothing I can be prideful about concerning my birth. Either it was random chance or it was Divine design. Either way pride goes out the window.

                         We are all people created by God. We can take no credit for our existence in time, location or status. God decided where we would be born, when we would be born and in what circumstance we would enter this life. God created people. Is He partial to any one skin tone more than another? Does He love one class of society more? God is the redeemer of all. And all come to Him for grace and redemption regardless of status or race. When the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” there were no exceptions or stipulations. He meant “whosoever.”

                         No matter you status in society or your national heritage, God loves you and wants to save you. You do not have to spend eternity in hell. Unlike your choice of skin color, your eternity is your choice. God is calling out to save you, BUT THAT CHOICE IS YOURS.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

From the Kinder Side

 From the Kinder Side

Christians do not hate homosexuals or anyone practicing any other lifestyle variant from the Biblical heterosexual standard. All forms of sin are simply, sin. One is not necessarily worse than another before God. Although, for humanity, certain types of sin can be far more damaging to society than others. And so, there may be louder outcries against child pornography, homosexuality, and murder than one may see against lying, cheating or stealing.
True Christians love all people regardless of the sin they are currently controlled by. But that does not mean we condone their sin or accept it in society as normal. God does not hate any of us. However, His requirement for all of us, Jeffrey Dahmer, Adolph Hitler and your next-door neighbor is the same; repent. Jesus’ plea goes out equally to all (Luke 13:3), “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. ” Notice he does not say join hands and love each other regardless of sin. Instead, Jesus says to repent.
Repentance is the sticking point for all who are living in sin today regardless of which sin it is. We do not want to be told we are living wrong. We hate the idea of having to change something which, at the moment, we think we are enjoying. We all want heaven, but most are not willing to give up their particular sin. However, that is what Jesus said we must do. Repent means to turn away from one thing or direction and go the other way. Admit the one is wrong and choose that which is right.
A Biblically sound Christian will not hate, even what most of society would call, the vilest person. We will hate the sin they are engaged in and will do all we can to encourage change. However, while hating their sin, we will love them as Christ loves them. Christians understand their plight because we are all sinners as well. God has forgiven our sin and has given us to ability to be freed from the control of sin. Sin is no longer a welcome companion in our lives even though we still fight against it (Romans 7:7-25) every day. We have chosen to fight against sin rather than embracing it (repentance).
Jesus’ also stated in Mark 1:15 not only to repent, which is turning from one thing, but here he includes “believe the gospel” which is turning to another. Repent of sin and believe the gospel. That seems so very simple. But the gospel is contrary to basic human nature. In our nature there is a fundamental understanding that if we attain something it is because we have earned it by one means or another. In other words, nothing is free. Homosexuals, murderers, drunkards, abortionists and liars can be brought into God’s family and granted eternity in heaven….free. It is not a lifelong effort of achievements on our part, it is repentance and belief, turning from one to the other. God loves you and wants to save you.
Would like to be saved today? You can be. For more information please read: How to be born again:

Tuesday, January 5, 2021



I was told, indirectly, I am not a loving person because I said that homosexual relationships are sexual perversions. 

If one believes that there is a God and that He will judge sin, what should one’s response be? Should we not make every effort to help people find a right relationship with God? And does that not mean they must come to a proper understanding of sin so that they actually can repent (Luke 13:5; IICor. 7:10) and begin to build that proper relationship?
The problem I am seeing is one of reluctance to stand for righteousness. If all we have for a foundation is public opinion then I must concede the issue and agree with those standing in favor of….well, whatever they happen to be standing in favor of at the moment. Because you see, if all we have as a standard is public opinion it will shift with the wind. Today homosexuality is wonderful. When I was young it was understood to be sexual perversion. Today bestiality is considered sexual perversion, but for how long? Today child molesting is considered to be wrong, but for how long? Today pornography is (generally) considered to be improper behavior, but for how much longer? The list is endless. It is endless because there is no standard of right or wrong behavior. All of these can and will change just as soon as public opinion shifts. When society is properly corrupted all of these and many others just as vile will be acceptable.
When we come to understand that there is a God and that He will judge in accordance with His Holy Word then the standards change. We call drunkenness wrong because the Bible does (Eph. 5:18). We call harming a child in any sense wrong because the Bible does (Luke 17:2). The emphasis that the Bible puts on sexual sin is strong and extensive. I can provide a study on it if anyone actually cares to read it. The point though is simple. We stand against all of these because the Bible does and because the end result is eternity in a very literal Hell.
Am I more loving if I passively stand aside and smile at you as you slip into Hell for eternity? Or, is my love and compassion better expressed by screaming at you and standing in your way in an attempt to keep you from being cast into the pits of Hell for all of eternity? The letter that Jude wrote expresses it this way in verses 22 and 23, “And of some have compassion, making a difference: (v.23) And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.” How cruel is the person who would speak soft and gentle words of encouragement and acceptance to someone who is about to stand in the presence of Almighty God to face judgment knowing, that person is currently living in open rebellion to God’s righteousness clearly expressed in His eternal Word? Am I not the most heinous of individuals if, in an attempt to retain their friendship, I passively stand aside and smile when I could have done something to prevent their suffering? LOVE will step in and come to one’s aid even if it is currently uncomfortable to do so. What should we call that which allows suffering in an effort to prevent friction in a relationship? It certainly isn’t love.
Because I do sincerely love people who are drunkards, liars, thieves, homosexuals, and otherwise generally self-absorbed people living in open opposition to the righteousness of God, I choose to stand in their way. Love compels me to do so. And by the grace of God and with the Word of God I will stop some, and turn them to the love and grace of our God expressed by the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ on Calvary for the redemption of their very souls.